Pure Copper Powder

Pure copper powder contains 99.5% or higher copper content. It provides excellent thermal and electrical conductivity combined with good corrosion resistance, solderability, and bio-compatibility.

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Chia sẻ sản phẩm này

Mục lục

Overview of Pure Copper Powder

Pure copper powder contains 99.5% or higher copper content. It provides excellent thermal and electrical conductivity combined with good corrosion resistance, solderability, and bio-compatibility.

Key properties and advantages of pure copper powder:

Pure Copper Powder Properties and Characteristics

Của cải Details
Thành phần 99.5% or higher copper content
Tỉ trọng 8.94 g/cc
Hình dạng hạt Hình cầu, không đều
Phạm vi kích thước 1-150 microns
Mật độ rõ ràng Lên đến 50% mật độ thực
Độ dẫn nhiệt Excellent, second only to silver
Solderability Excellent due to oxidation resistance
Bio-compatibility High, safe for food contact

Pure copper powder is ideal for applications like welding products, brazing alloys, friction materials, diamond tools, electrical contacts, and metal injection molding.

Pure Copper Powder Composition

Typical composition of pure copper powder:

Pure Copper Powder Composition

Yếu tố Cân nặng %
Đồng (CU) 99,5% phút
Oxy (O) Tối đa 0,05%
Lead (Pb) 0.005% max
Other impurities 0.005% max
  • Copper provides excellent conductivity and corrosion resistance
  • Oxygen present as impurity affects conductivity and sintering
  • Lead and other impurities carefully controlled

High copper content, low oxide, and minimal impurities result in excellent electrical and thermal conductivity combined with good mechanical properties.

Pure copper powder

Pure Copper Powder Physical Properties

Pure Copper Powder Physical Properties

Tài sản Giá trị
Tỉ trọng 8.94 g/cc
Độ nóng chảy 1083°C
Dẫn nhiệt 400 W/mK
Điện trở suất 1.72 μΩ-cm
Recrystallization temperature 200-300°C
Nhiệt độ Curie -269°C
  • High density compared to magnesium or aluminum
  • Excellent thermal conductivity for heat dissipation
  • Low electrical resistivity provides high conductivity
  • Recrystallization enables sintering and improves ductility
  • Resistivity increases above Curie point

These properties make pure copper suitable for highly conductive components like electrical contacts and brushes.

Pure Copper Powder Mechanical Properties

Pure Copper Powder Mechanical Properties

Tài sản Giá trị
Sức căng 220-340 MPa
Sức mạnh năng suất 69-172 MPa
Kéo dài 35-60%
Độ cứng 45-90 HB
Mô đun đàn hồi 110-130 GPa
Cường độ nén 500-700 MPa
  • Good combination of strength and very high ductility
  • Relatively low hardness and high malleability
  • Moderate strength compared to high strength alloys
  • Properties depend on factors like porosity and grain size

The properties make pure copper suitable for soft, highly conductive components requiring good deformation and compressive strength.

Pure Copper Powder Applications

Typical applications of pure copper powder include:

Pure Copper Powder Applications

Ngành công nghiệp Sử dụng
Electricals Contacts, brushes, welding electrodes
Thiết bị điện tử Conductive adhesives, RF shielding
Ô tô Brushes, bushings, bearings
Công nghiệp Diamond tools, casting molds
Chế tạo Brazing alloys, powder metallurgy
Friction products Brake pads, clutch discs

Một số sản phẩm cụ thể sử dụng:

  • Sliding electrical contacts and brushes
  • Heat sinks and thermal management components
  • Welding rods, brazing pastes, and solder filler metal
  • Metal matrix composites like diamond tools
  • Net shape components made via metal injection molding
  • Pump bushings, impellers, and other wear parts

The high conductivity, corrosion resistance, bio-compatibility and moderate strength make pure copper suitable for this diverse range of electrical, thermal, and moderate wear applications across all industries.

Pure Copper Powder Specifications

Key specifications for pure copper powder include:

Pure Copper Powder Specifications

Tiêu chuẩn Sự miêu tả
ASTM B602 Specification for high purity electrolytic copper powder
JIS H2111 Specs for electrolytic copper and copper alloy powders
ISO 3497 Specification for general purpose copper powders
ASTM B243 Guidance on apparent density and flow rate

Những điều này xác định:

  • Minimum 99.5% copper content
  • Limits on impurities like oxygen and lead
  • Required powder characteristics
  • Apparent density and flow rate
  • Approved production method – electrolytic
  • Sampling and testing protocols

Meeting these specifications ensures suitability for applications needing high thermal and electrical conductivity combined with good mechanical properties.

Pure Copper Powder Particle Sizes

Pure Copper Powder Particle Size Distribution

Size Đặc trưng
1-10 microns Ultrafine grade used in microelectronics
10-30 microns Fine grade suitable for sintering
30-150 microns Coarse grade has good flow for pressing
  • Finer sizes provide higher sintered density
  • Coarser powder has improved flowability
  • Size range tailored based on targeted application
  • Both spherical and irregular shapes available

Controlling particle size distribution optimizes pressing behavior, sintered density and final part properties.

Pure Copper Powder Apparent Density

Pure Copper Powder Apparent Density

Mật độ rõ ràng Details
Lên đến 50% mật độ thực Đối với hình thái bột không đều
3.5-5.0 g/cc typical Cải thiện với mật độ đóng gói lớn hơn
  • Mật độ rõ ràng cao hơn giúp cải thiện lưu lượng bột và khả năng nén
  • Hình thái không đều giới hạn mật độ đóng gói tối đa
  • Values up to 60% achievable with spherical powder
  • High apparent density enables easier compaction

Higher apparent density leads to more efficient powder pressing and sintering to full density.

Pure Copper Powder Production

Pure Copper Powder Production

Phương pháp Details
Điện phân Copper cathodes dissolved anodically into Cu+ ions and deposited on stainless steel cathodes
Ball milling Coarse powder broken down and classified into specific sizes
Softens the powder particles and improves compressibility
Reducing atmosphere Prevents oxidation of particles during production
  • Automated electrolytic process allows large scale production
  • Milling and sieving provides controlled particle size distribution
  • Annealing facilitates pressing and handling
  • Strict process control ensures high purity and repeatable quality

Pure Copper Powder Pricing

Pure Copper Powder Pricing

Nhân tố Tác động đến giá cả
Độ tinh khiết Độ tinh khiết cao hơn tăng chi phí
Kích thước hạt Bột siêu mịn đắt hơn
số lượng đặt hàng Bulk orders have lower per unit pricing
Phương pháp sản xuât Additional processing increases cost
Bao bì Special packaging like vacuum sealing adds cost

Giá chỉ định

  • Ultrafine pure copper powder: $15-25 per kg
  • Coarse pure copper powder: $10-15 per kg
  • Giá khối lượng lớn có thể thấp hơn 40%

Pricing depends on purity, particle size, production method, order quantity, packaging etc.

Pure Copper Powder Suppliers

Pure Copper Powder Suppliers

Công ty Vị trí
Kymera International Hoa Kỳ
GGP Metalpowder nước Đức
American Chemet Corporation Hoa Kỳ
Shanghai CNPC Powder Material Trung Quốc
Mitsui Kinzoku Nhật Bản
Nuclead Pháp

Các yếu tố lựa chọn cho các nhà cung cấp:

  • Purity levels and grades offered
  • Năng lực sản xuất và thời gian dẫn đầu
  • Average particle size ranges
  • Customization of size distribution
  • Packaging options and order quantities
  • Pricing levels based on volume
  • Compliance with international specifications

Pure Copper Powder Handling and Storage

Pure Copper Powder Handling

Sự giới thiệu Lý do
Đảm bảo thông gió thích hợp Prevent exposure to fine particles
Sử dụng PPE thích hợp Tránh việc ăn vào tình cờ
Thực hiện theo các giao thức an toàn Reduce health hazards
Tránh các nguồn đánh lửa Flammable dust hazard
Ground equipment Prevent static discharge
Use non-sparking tools Ngăn chặn khả năng đánh lửa

Khuyến nghị lưu trữ

  • Store in stable containers in a cool, dry area
  • Limit exposure to acids, ammonia, acetylene
  • Duy trì nhiệt độ dưới 30 ° C

Proper precautions during handling and storage help preserve purity and prevent safety issues.

Pure Copper Powder Inspection and Testing

Pure Copper Powder Testing

Bài kiểm tra Details
Phân tích hóa học ICP or XRF verifies composition
Phân phối kích thước hạt Phân tích nhiễu xạ laser
Mật độ rõ ràng Hall flowmeter test per ASTM B212
Hình thái bột Hình ảnh SEM của hình dạng hạt
Chạm vào kiểm tra mật độ Mật độ đo sau khi khai thác cơ học
Phân tích tốc độ dòng chảy Gravity flow through a specified funnel

Testing ensures the powder meets the required purity levels, particle characteristics, density specifications, morphology and flowability as per applicable standards.

Pure Copper Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pure Copper Powder

  • Excellent thermal and electrical conductivity
  • Good corrosion resistance and bio-compatibility
  • High purity provides optimal performance
  • Easy to sinter and compress into high density components
  • Ductile and malleable
  • Recyclable and environmentally sustainable

Limitations of Pure Copper Powder

  • Lower strength than many alloy powders
  • Điện trở oxy hóa nhiệt độ cao vừa phải
  • Heavy compared to magnesium or aluminum
  • Not suitable for high wear or load bearing applications
  • Sensitive to contamination from zinc and sulfur
  • Gradually tarnishes over time if uncoated

Comparison With Brass and Bronze Powders

Pure Copper vs. Brass and Bronze Powders

Tham số Pure Copper Brass/Bronze
Tỉ trọng 8.94 g/cc 8.7-8.8 g/cc
Sức mạnh 220-340 MPa 350-550 MPa
Độ dẫn nhiệt Xuất sắc Tốt
Chống ăn mòn Xuất sắc Tốt
Trị giá Thấp Vừa phải
Sử dụng Electrical, thermal Hardware, decorative
  • Pure copper has higher conductivity and ductility
  • Brass/bronze offer higher strength
  • Pure copper better suited for thermal management
  • Brass/bronze used for hardware and decorative items

Pure Copper Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of pure copper powder?

A: Main applications include electrical contacts and brushes, welding rods, brazing alloys, diamond tools, heat sinks, net shape components made via powder metallurgy, friction materials, and conductive adhesives.

Q: What precautions should be taken when working with pure copper powder?

A: Recommended precautions include proper ventilation, appropriate PPE, safe handling protocols, grounding equipment, avoiding ignition sources, using non-sparking tools, and storing in stable inert containers away from contaminants.

Q: How does pure copper powder differ from electrolytic tough pitch (ETP) copper?

A: Pure copper powder has 99.5% or higher copper content, while ETP copper powder has minimum 99.5% copper. Pure copper provides slightly higher conductivity but the two are mostly interchangeable for common applications.

Q: What affects the properties of parts made from pure copper powder?

A: Key factors are apparent density, powder composition, particle size distribution, compaction pressure, sintering parameters, presence of impurities, and final part porosity.