Pure aluminum powder

Pure aluminum powder contains 99% or higher aluminum content. It provides low density combined with good ductility, conductivity, and corrosion resistance.


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Table of Contents

Overview of Pure Aluminum Powder

Pure aluminum powder contains 99% or higher aluminum content. It provides low density combined with good ductility, conductivity, and corrosion resistance.

Key properties and advantages of pure aluminum powder include:

Pure Aluminum Powder Properties and Characteristics

Properties Details
Composition 99% or higher Al content
Density 2.7 g/cc
Particle shape Spherical, irregular
Size range 1-150 microns
Apparent density Up to 50% of true density
Conductivity Excellent electrical and thermal conductivity
Corrosion resistance Good due to protective oxide layer

Pure aluminum powder is suitable for applications like thermite welding, diamond tools, conductive coatings, pyrotechnics, and metal injection molding.

Pure Aluminum Powder Composition

Typical composition of pure aluminum powder:

Pure Aluminum Powder Composition

Element Weight %
Aluminum (Al) 99% min
Silicon (Si) 0.5% max
Iron (Fe) 0.5% max
Copper (Cu) 0.05% max
Manganese (Mn) 0.05% max
Magnesium (Mg) 0.05% max
Other impurities 0.05% max
  • Aluminum provides low density, ductility and conductivity
  • Impurity levels of other elements are carefully controlled
  • High aluminum purity provides optimal electrical and thermal conductivity

The high aluminum content ensures excellent conductivity combined with good corrosion resistance and moderate strength.

Pure aluminum powder

Pure Aluminum Powder Physical Properties

Pure Aluminum Powder Physical Properties

Property Values
Density 2.7 g/cc
Melting point 660°C
Thermal conductivity 237 W/mK
Electrical resistivity 2.65 μΩ-cm
CTE 23.1 x 10^-6 /K
Reflectivity 87% at 400 nm wavelength
  • Very low density compared to most metals
  • High reflectivity and thermal conductivity
  • Low electrical resistivity provides high conductivity
  • Relatively high CTE necessitates design considerations
  • Maintains strength up to moderately high temperatures

The properties make pure aluminum suitable for lightweight applications needing electrical/thermal conductivity.

Pure Aluminum Powder Mechanical Properties

Pure Aluminum Powder Mechanical Properties

Property Values
Tensile strength 90-100 MPa
Yield strength 35-45 MPa
Elongation 35-40%
Hardness 25-35 HB
Fatigue strength 50-90 MPa
Shear strength 60-65 MPa
  • Relatively low tensile and yield strength
  • Very high elongation provides excellent ductility
  • Low hardness compared to most metals
  • High fatigue strength suited for cyclic loading
  • Properties can be enhanced through alloying additions

The properties make pure aluminum suitable for soft, ductile applications requiring conductivity and formability.

Pure Aluminum Powder Applications

Typical applications of pure aluminum powder include:

Pure Aluminum Powder Applications

Industry Uses
Thermite welding Rail welding, metal joining
Additive manufacturing Low strength components
Explosives and pyrotechnics Thermite compositions
Powder coatings Conductive and resistant coatings
Diamond tools Metal matrix with diamond particles
Fireworks Fuel and pyrotechnic compositions

Some specific product uses:

  • Thermite mixtures for in-situ metal joining and welding
  • Low melting point casting alloys
  • Electrically conductive coatings and RF shielding
  • Aluminum-diamond tools for stone cutting
  • Flash powder and pyrotechnic compositions
  • Metal injection molding of non-structural parts

The ductility, conductivity and reactivity make pure aluminum suitable for these niche applications.

Pure Aluminum Powder Specifications

Key specifications for pure aluminum powder include:

Pure Aluminum Powder Specifications

Standard Description
ASTM B787 Standard for pure aluminum powders
ASTM B859 Specs for aluminum and aluminum alloy powders
DIN 1718-1 Designation system for aluminum and aluminum alloys
GJB320B Chinese military standard for aluminum and aluminum alloy powders

These define:

  • Minimum 99% aluminum content
  • Limits on impurities like Fe, Si
  • Powder characteristics like apparent density and particle size distribution
  • Approved production methods like atomization
  • Sampling and testing protocols

Meeting the standards ensures suitability for applications needing high purity aluminum powder.

Pure Aluminum Powder Particle Sizes

Pure Aluminum Powder Particle Size Distribution

Size Characteristics
1-10 microns Ultrafine grade used in printing pastes
10-45 microns Fine grade suitable for coatings, pressing
45-150 microns Coarse grade offers better flowability
  • Finer sizes provide a smooth finish and high reactivity
  • Coarser powder has improved flow for automated processing
  • Both spherical and irregular particle shapes are available
  • Size distribution depends on targeted use

Controlling particle size distribution optimizes processing behavior, density, reactivity, and finish.

Pure Aluminum Powder Apparent Density

Pure Aluminum Powder Apparent Density

Apparent Density Details
Up to 50% of true density For irregular morphology powder
1.3-1.7 g/cc Higher for spherical powder
  • Spherical powder shape provides higher apparent density
  • Irregular particles have lower density around 30-40%
  • Higher density improves powder flow and compactibility
  • Values up to 60% are possible with optimized spherical powder

Higher apparent density leads to better manufacturing productivity and part quality.

Pure Aluminum Powder Production

Pure Aluminum Powder Production

Method Details
Atomization Molten aluminum stream broken into fine droplets that solidify into powder
Ball milling Mechanical milling classifies coarse powder into fine powder
Annealing Removes internal stresses and improves powder compressibility
Sieving Classifies powder into different size fractions
  • Atomization allows large volume production with controlled particle sizes
  • Milling provides lower cost size reduction of coarse powder
  • Annealing and sieving provide customized powder sizes and shapes

Combination of methods produces high purity aluminum powder with application-specific characteristics.

Pure Aluminum Powder Pricing

Pure Aluminum Powder Pricing

Factor Impact on Price
Purity Higher purity grades cost more
Particle size Ultrafine powder is more expensive
Order volume Bulk orders get discounted pricing
Production method Complex methods increase cost
Packaging Special packaging adds cost

Indicative Pricing

  • Fine pure aluminum powder: $3-6 per kg
  • Coarse pure aluminum powder: $2-4 per kg
  • Large volume pricing can be up to 30% lower

Pricing depends on purity, particle size, order quantity, production method and customization requirements.

Pure Aluminum Powder Suppliers

Pure Aluminum Powder Suppliers

Company Location
Advanced Chemical Company USA
Micron Metals USA
Baohua Metal Materials China
Hengxing Metallurgical China
Shanghai ShuiDing Powder Material China
Reade Advanced Materials USA

Selection factors for suppliers:

  • Purity levels and grades available
  • Production capacity and lead times
  • Average particle size ranges
  • Customization of particle distribution
  • Packaging options
  • Pricing levels based on order quantities
  • Compliance with international standards

Pure Aluminum Powder Handling and Storage

Pure Aluminum Powder Handling

Recommendation Reason
Use proper ventilation Avoid concentrated dust environment
Employ grounding systems Prevent static discharge during handling
Limit moisture exposure Prevents oxidation of particles
Follow safe protocols Reduce health and fire hazards
Avoid ignition sources Flammable powder risk
Use non-sparking tools Prevent possibility of ignition

Storage Recommendations

  • Store in dry, inert sealed containers
  • Maintain storage temperatures below 27°C
  • Limit exposure to oxidizers like nitric acid

Proper precautions during handling and storage help preserve purity and prevent oxidation or ignition risks.

Pure Aluminum Powder Inspection and Testing

Pure Aluminum Powder Testing

Test Details
Chemical analysis XRF or ICP testing verifies composition
Particle size distribution Laser diffraction analysis
Apparent density Hall flowmeter test per ASTM B212 standard
Powder morphology SEM imaging of particle shape
Flow rate analysis Gravity flow rate through specified funnel
Moisture measurement Loss on drying test

Testing ensures the powder meets the required purity levels, particle characteristics, density specifications, morphology and flowability per applicable standards.

Pure Aluminum Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pure Aluminum Powder

  • Low density provides lightweight properties
  • Excellent electrical and thermal conductivity
  • Good corrosion resistance
  • High ductility and excellent formability
  • Recyclable and environmentally friendly
  • Cost-effective compared to other conductive powders

Limitations of Pure Aluminum Powder

  • Low strength limits load bearing structural applications
  • Moderate high temperature mechanical strength
  • Requires protective coatings in corrosive environments
  • Sensitive to contamination from moisture and other powders
  • Pyrophoric nature requires careful handling
  • Gradually oxidizes over time if uncoated

Comparison With Al-Mg Alloy Powder

Pure Al vs Al-Mg Alloy Powder

Parameter Pure Al Al-Mg
Density 2.7 g/cc 2.7 g/cc
Strength 90-100 MPa 150-220 MPa
Conductivity Excellent Good
Corrosion resistance Good Excellent
Cost Low High
Uses Thermite welding, pyrotechnics Structural components
  • Pure Al offers better conductivity and lower cost
  • Al-Mg alloy provides higher strength
  • Pure Al suited for electrical applications and pyrotechnics
  • Al-Mg preferred for structural lightweight components

Pure Aluminum Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of pure aluminum powder?

A: Main applications include thermite welding, conductive coatings, pyrotechnic compositions, diamond tools, metal injection molding of non-structural parts, and low-melting casting alloys.

Q: What precautions should be taken when working with pure aluminum powder?

A: Recommended precautions include proper ventilation, avoiding ignition sources, explosion-proof equipment, grounding systems, non-sparking tools, protective gear, safe protocols, and inert storage sealed away from contaminants.

Q: How does pure aluminum powder differ from aluminum alloy powders?

A: Pure aluminum has 99% or higher Al content while alloy powders contain other elements like magnesium, silicon, zinc. Pure Al offers high conductivity but lower strength than alloys.

Q: What affects the properties of pure aluminum powder components?

A: Key factors are apparent density, particle size distribution, compaction pressure, sintering parameters, impurities, and final part porosity.

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