Molybdenum Metal Powder

Table of Contents

Molybdenum metal powder is a refractory material valued for its high temperature properties combining strength, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance. This guide covers molybdenum powder manufacturing processes and characteristics plus molybdenum alloying and applications. It also details product specifications, pricing, suppliers, advantages versus alternatives along with expert recommendations for usage.

molybdenum metal powder


Essential properties of pure metallic molybdenum powder include:

  • Excellent high temperature strength up to 2100°C
  • Retains tensile strength even at high heat
  • Very low thermal expansion coefficient
  • Thermal and electrical conductivity
  • Resists erosion and corrosion
  • Enables lightweight constructive materials

Molybdenum powders see demand growth for thermally loaded structures like heat shields, rocket nozzles, filaments and composite reinforcements where extreme conditions exceed traditional alloys. This report explores production methods, cost drivers, application areas and processing guidance around molybdenum powders.

Composition and Characteristics

Molybdenum metal powder comprises just the single pure metallic element:

Chemical FormulaMo
Atomic Number42
Atomic Weight95.95 g/mol
Density10.28 g/cc
Melting Point2623°C
Boiling Point4639°C

Salient characteristics:

  • Silver-white luster when freshly powdered
  • Ductile with high thermal shock resistance
  • Near-net-shape capable for manufacturing
  • Can be alloyed with carbon, silicon or boron
  • Resists acids and alkaline corrosion
  • Retains mechanical strength across temperatures

These useful combinations of chemical, physical and mechanical properties spur applications. But availability was limited until the last decade by difficulties producing pure molybdenum metal powder affordably.

Production Methods

Advances now enable commercial production of molybdenum metal powders via:

MethodDescriptionParticle SizePurity
ElectrolysisMoO3 dissolved in aqueous solution reduced at cathode50 μmHigh 99.95%+
Calciothermic ReductionReducing molybdenum trioxide using calcium150 μmModerate 98%
Hydrogen ReductionSolid state reduction of MoO3 using dry hydrogenSubmicronHigh 99.9%
Plasma SpheroidizationSpheroidize irregular molybdenum flakes15 to 150 μmModerate 98%
  • Electrolysis and hydrogen processes allow high purity
  • Reduction methods offer lower cost for most applications
  • Post-process plasma spheroidization improves powder properties

Ongoing initiatives target more efficient dry processes eliminating hydrometallurgy to improve economics for mainstream adoption.

Refractory Material Applications

Unique molybdenum metal powder properties suit extreme demands:

High Temperature Structural Components

  • Rocket nozzles, missile parts
  • Nuclear fusion reactor elements
  • Furnace hearths and hardware
  • Vacuum tube filaments

Thermal Management

  • Heat dissipation plates with ceramic matrix
  • Thermal spray coatings on pipes and tools

Composite Blends

  • Dispersion strengthened alloy reinforcements
  • Spark plasma sintered cermets

Electrical Contacts

  • Vacuum switchgear electrodes
  • Relay contacts resisting arc erosion

Metallization Pastes

  • Conductive thick films printed circuits
  • Joining agent in transient liquid phase Diffusion Bonding

Molybdenum powder thus punches above its niche weight class in value-added applications rather than pure commodity volumes.

Product Specifications

Molybdenum metal powder is commercially available in standardized or custom variations:

ParameterTypical Values
Particle Size1 μm to 150 μm
Purity98% to 99.95% molybdenum
MorphologyAngular, spheroidal
Apparent Density4 to 6 gm/cc
True Density10.2 gm/cc
Specific Surface Area0.2 to 2 m2/g
Oxygen Content< 0.1 wt%
Powder Flow RateFair, improves with conditioning
Surface OxidePresent but thin native layer

Particle size distribution – Match client processing method, tensile strength vs ductility targets.

Purity grades – 99.9% sufficient for most applications. Higher purity adds cost.

Conditioning – Blending, dry lubing and desiccation improves powder packing and flow properties.

Application-specific customization of powder characteristics is possible but requires MOQs.

Molybdenum Metal Powder Pricing

As a specialized powder produced in small batches serving niche sectors, costs trend higher than mainstream metals:

QuantityPrice ($ per lb)
1 lb$50+
10 lbs$35+
100 lbs$25+
500 lbs+ (Mo ingot)$5+ lb

Research grade purities above 99.95% attract steep premiums for 1 gram packs priced ~$200+ per gram.

Material costs dominate for small sintered or AM printed parts – so applications must justify values. Allows lightweighting, insulation and conductivity combinations otherwise unachievable.

Comparison Versus Alternatives

Molybdenum competes against specialty metals and composites targeting high temperature properties:

MaterialThermal ConductivityMelting PointDensityCost
Molybdenum138 W/(m.K)2622°C10.28 g/cc$$$
Tungsten173 W/(m.K)3422°C19.35 g/cc$$
Tantalum57 W/(m.K)2996°C16.6 g/cc$$$$
Molybdenum DiSilicideN/A2035°CN/A$$
Tungsten Carbide66 W/(m.K)2870°C15.63 g/cc$$
GraphiteUp to 15003652°C2.26 g/cc$

Molybdenum Pros

  • Unrivaled high temperature tensile strength up to 2100°C
  • Lower density enables lightweight high temp structures
  • Resists molten metal corrosion during extreme processing


  • Difficult to fully densify powder to full shape
  • Brittle intermetallics can emerge compromising ductility
  • Very high melting point makes alloying and joining difficult
  • Powder production economics need further improvement

With ongoing improvements in powder processes, molybdenum dominates extreme service niches. Blending with carbon/boron aids sintering and alloying additions customize properties across temperature requirements.

Research and Development Directions

Emerging molybdenum powder improvements include:


  • Electrolytic routes using molten salts
  • Lower energy molybdenite roast/reduction
  • Microwave plasma spheroidization

Alloy Design

  • HEA composites with tungsten/tantalum
  • Liquid phase sintering additions like Cu/Ni
  • Rate dependent strengthening mechanisms


  • Flash spark plasma sintering
  • Lattice structures with topology optimization
  • Binder jet printed green state debinding


  • Solid state battery electrolytic plate replacements
  • 3D printed rocket thruster prototypes
  • Creep resistant glass seal ferrule Bushings
molybdenum metal powder


Molybdenum’s rare refractory properties including high temperature strength, thermal conduction, corrosion resistance and ductility enable innovative lightweight components and composites unlocking performance advancements across extreme thermal management applications in nuclear fusion, space travel and industrial processing. Recent powder metallurgy improvements now allow complementing traditional molybdenum mill forms with additive manufacturing methods. Matching particle size and morphology to desired densification approaches allows fabricating previously unviable shapes. Though relatively more expensive than conventional metals, molybdenum punches far above its niche weight class in specialized thermal niches outpacing alternatives.

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