내화성 금속 분말에 대한 엔지니어 가이드


Refractory metal powders enable additive manufacturing of extremely heat resistant alloys unmatched by other materials. This guide covers refractory powder compositions, particle specifications, properties data, pricing, and comparisons to inform procurement decisions.

Introduction to Refractory Metal Powders

Key capabilities offered by refractory powders include:

  • Withstand extremely high temperatures
  • Retain high strength at temperature extremes
  • Resist creep deformation and cracking

Common alloys used are:

  • Tungsten heavy alloys like W-Ni-Cu
  • Molybdenum TZM alloy
  • Tantalum powders

This guide provides considerations when selecting refractory powders:

  • 합금 구성 및 생산 방법
  • 기계적 특성 테스트 데이터
  • 입자 크기 분포 권장 사항
  • Morphology, Density and Flow Characteristics
  • Pricing Estimates Based on Order Volumes
  • Oxidation and Corrosion Resistance Comparisons
  • Pros vs Cons Relative to Solid Forms
  • 인쇄 매개변수 최적화에 대한 자주 묻는 질문
내화성 금속 분말

Refractory Metal Powder Compositions

표 1 shows refractory metal powder compositions by primary elemental additions with some variation depending on alloy variant:

합금주요 합금 원소
Tungsten Heavy AlloyW, Ni, Cu, Fe
Molybdenum TZMMo, Ti, Zr

Small additions of carbon, potassium, silicon and boron also stabilize microstructures and grain sizes tailored for high temperature creep resistance depending on operating conditions.

기계적 특성 및 테스트 방법

표 2 shows typical minimum mechanical properties met by refractory metal powder alloys, with actual values varying based on build geometry, post-processing, and heat treatment:

합금밀도**Tensile Strength **테스트 방법
Tungsten Heavy Alloy18 g/cc550 MPaASTM E8
Molybdenum TZM10.2 g/cc485 MPaASTM E8
탄탈륨16.6g/cc207 MPaASTM E8

Carefully validate delivered powder lot properties against certifications through sampling to ensure consistency.

Refractory Metal Particle Size Recommendations

표 3 shows common particle size distributions used for quality refractory powders:

크기 범위일반 메시일반적인 인쇄 범위
괜찮아요-325 메쉬15-45 미크론
표준-100 mesh149 microns
거친-60 +100 mesh250 microns

Other important powder characteristics:

  • Spherical particle morphology
  • Good flow rates exceeding 30s hall funnel time
  • Apparent density within 5% of true density
  • Low oxygen and moisture content

Balance high powder flowability against print resolution needs through particle size selection and distribution.

Powder Morphology, Density and Flow Properties

표 4 compares powder characteristics between general quality levels that impact print process robustness:

매개변수High Quality Powder엔트리 레벨 파우더
형태학고도로 구형Jagged, irregular
유량Hall flow > 35s for 50g50g의 경우 홀 흐름 <25초
겉보기 밀도> 90% 실제 밀도종종 80% 미만의 실제 밀도
수분 함량<0.01%>0.02%

Poor powder properties require extensive parameter adjustments to achieve print quality, reducing productivity.

Refractory Metal Powder Pricing

표 5 outlines rough refractory powder pricing under normal market conditions:

주문량가격 견적
500kg 이상$200+/kg
1000+ kg서브키 할인
  • Premium alloys command higher baseline pricing
  • Bulk orders beyond 500 kg enable >40% price reductions
  • Actual market prices tied to commodity indexes
  • Carefully validate true yields vs usable fractions from suppliers

Oxidation and Corrosion Resistance Properties

Refractory metal powders offer extremely high melting points and stability in oxidizing environments:

표 6

합금융점산화 저항
Tungsten Heavy Alloy1400°C우수
Molybdenum TZM2600°C우수

Properties derive from high chromium, aluminum and silicon content creating tenacious oxide barriers preventing material loss even at extreme temperatures nearing melting points.

Pros vs Cons: Powder vs Solid Forms

표 7

내화성 금속 분말복잡한 기하학더 높은 비용
뛰어난 고온 강도후처리
무게 감소파라미터 최적화
Refractory Metal Solid비용 절감모양 제한
가용성Very heavy
가공성재료 낭비

In general, refractory powders justify premiums for low volume complex components where thermal resistance is vital. Standard mill product forms offer affordability for simple shapes in high quantities.

Combining supply forms strategically reduces overall program costs.

내화성 금속 분말
올림푸스 디지털 카메라

자주 묻는 질문

표 8 - 자주 묻는 질문:

자주 묻는 질문답변
테스트 보고서를 검토해야 하나요?Yes, validate certification data indicates powder quality
What size powder particles should I use?15-45 microns balances resolution and flow
What impacts consistency?Production method affects variability – vacuum melted is best
How much should I buy initially?Start small, buy more once process is validated

표 9 - 애플리케이션 중심의 조언:

자주 묻는 질문답변
How do I optimize for rocket nozzle components?Use extra fine <10 micron W or Mo powders to print sub 2mm channels
Which post processing approach lowers porosity?Hot isostatic pressing with inert atmosphere protects against oxidation
Which refractory alloy maximizes creep resistance?Consider additions of potassium, silicon and boron in tungsten heavy alloys based on operating temperatures
How should I adjust parameters for ultra fine feature resolution?Slow down scan speeds, increase hatch spacing, use smallest layer thicknesses machine allows

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