Bubuk stainless steel 17-4ph

Daftar Isi


stainless steel powder 17-4ph is a precipitation hardening martensitic stainless steel that can be processed via powder metallurgy techniques for high performance applications requiring good mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and ease of fabrication.

This guide covers different types of 17-4PH powders, their characteristics, properties data, processing methods, applications, specifications, suppliers, installation and handling procedures, maintenance requirements, selection criteria for powder vendors, pros and cons of using 17-4PH powder and answers to frequently asked questions.

Types of 17-4PH Powder

stainless steel powder 17-4ph is available in different forms suitable for various powder consolidation processes:

Gas dikabutkanSpherical morphology, good flowability
Air dikabutkanIrregular morphology, wide size distribution
Plasma yang dikabutkanVery fine, spherical powder
Hidrida-dehidridaSpongy, porous morphology
Carbonyl ironHigh purity (+99% Fe) powder

Gas atomized powder with smooth spherical particles allows excellent packing density and sintered properties but is relatively expensive. Water atomization is more economical but shape is less ideal. Very fine plasma atomized powders are preferred for metal injection molding. HDH and carbonyl iron powders are used for blending to achieve higher purity and improved properties.

Composition and Properties

17-4PH composition and properties:


  • Fe – Balance
  • Cr – 15 to 17.5%
  • Ni – 3 to 5%
  • Cu – 3 to 5%
  • Nb/Ta – 0.15 to 0.45%
  • Mn – 1% max
  • Si – 1% max
  • C – 0.07% max
  • P – 0.04% max
  • S – 0.03% max


  • Density – 7.7 g/cc
  • Strength – 1240 MPa
  • Hardness – 40 HRC
  • Elongation – 8%
  • Impact Toughness – 16 ft-lb
  • Corrosion Resistance – Good
  • Magnetic Permeability – Low

The amounts of Cr, Ni, Cu, Nb/Ta can be varied to tailor properties like hardness, strength and corrosion resistance as per specific applications. Higher purity improves performance.

Aplikasi dari stainless steel powder 17-4ph

Typical applications of 17-4PH powder include:


  • Bagian struktural
  • Engine components
  • Perlengkapan pendaratan

Minyak dan gas

  • Wellhead components
  • Valves, pump parts


  • Chassis components
  • Gears
  • Airbag containers


  • Instrumen bedah
  • Implan
  • Orthodontic wires

Pengolahan makanan

  • Knives
  • Nozel
  • Extruder parts

Heavy equipment

  • Hydraulic cylinders
  • Pins
  • Shafts

The combination of strength, hardness, corrosion resistance and manufacturability make 17-4PH suitable for demanding applications across industries.


Typical specifications for 17-4PH stainless steel powder include:

Ukuran partikel10 – 45 μm
Kepadatan yang tampak2.5 – 4 g/cc
Kerapatan ketukan4 – 6 g/cc
Laju aliran aula< 30 s/50g
KomposisiPer ASTM A564
KotoranLow oxygen, nitrogen
Luas permukaan0.1 – 1 m2/g

Finer powders are preferred for additive manufacturing while coarser sizes are used for press and sinter. Higher density improves powder compaction while good flow aids die filling. Purity reduces inclusions and improves corrosion resistance and mechanicals.

Pertimbangan Desain

Key design factors for 17-4PH powder parts:

  • Sifat mekanik – Achieve required strength, hardness, wear resistance, fatigue strength via composition, processing, heat treatment.
  • Ketahanan korosi – Sufficient chromium and molybdenum content, low impurities, controlled microstructure.
  • Toleransi dimensi – Account for sintering shrinkage. Minimize secondary operations.
  • Cost targets – Balance performance with economical powder production method and consolidation process.
  • Part features – Design for manufacturability based on processing limitations. Avoid thin/tall sections.
  • Kepatuhan terhadap standar – ASTM A564, ASTM B925, AMS 5643, AMS 5644, AWS C5.4, etc.

Consulting with powder producers helps create optimal part designs tailored for 17-4PH powder capabilities.

Processing Methods

stainless steel powder 17-4ph can be consolidated into fully dense parts using:

Cetakan injeksi logam (MIM)Binds powder into a feedstock for injection into complex molds
Manufaktur aditifUses laser/e-beam to selectively melt powder layers into 3D shapes
Forging bubukCompacts and hot deforms powder preforms into high density parts
Penekanan isostatik panasApplies heat and isostatic pressure to consolidate powder
Tekan dan sinterPresses powder into a mold, then sinters for full density

MIM provides highest precision and is ideal for complex, small components. AM offers maximum design freedom. Forging produces excellent mechanicals. HIP avoids sintering porosity. Press-sinter combines good precision and properties at lower cost.

Proper control of temperature, pressure, atmosphere, and other parameters during processing is critical to achieving desired microstructure and properties.

Pemasok dan Harga

Some leading suppliers of stainless steel powder 17-4ph include:

PemasokKisaran Harga
Aditif Tukang Kayu$50 - $120 per kg
Sandvik Osprey$45 - $100 per kg
Praxair$40 – $90 per kg
Höganäs$60 – $140 per kg
Bubuk CNPC$30 – $70 per kg

Prices vary based on purity, powder characteristics, production method, and purchase volume. Small quantities for R&D are more expensive while bulk orders for mass production have lower per-kg cost.

Installation and Handling

Guidelines for installing equipment for and handling 17-4PH powder:

  • Install proper ventilation and dust collection systems to control particulate exposure
  • Use explosive rated electrical equipment suited for combustible metal powder atmospheres
  • Ground all powder handling and storage equipment to prevent static charge buildup
  • Avoid sparks, flames, and ignition sources near powder handling areas
  • Store powder sealed in original containers in a cool, dry environment
  • Ensure protective equipment like respirators, gloves, goggles and clothing are available and used by operators
  • Transport powder carefully between storage and processing areas to prevent spills
  • Clean equipment and work areas frequently to minimize powder accumulation

Proper installation and handling minimizes safety risks as well as prevents contamination or changes in powder characteristics that can adversely affect final part properties.

Operation and Maintenance

Key operation and maintenance practices for 17-4PH powder processing:

Storage containers

  • Inspect sealing periodically and fix any leaks immediately
  • Clean exterior regularly to remove powder buildup
  • Rotate stock to use older powder first

Mixing and blending equipment

  • Schedule conditioning to maintain integrity of blades and intensifiers for uniform mixing
  • Monitor loading, time and speed to prevent overmixing

Milling and grinding tools

  • Dress or replace worn tools regularly to avoid introducing contaminants
  • Use proper cooling and gentle milling to limit particle fracturing

Press and sinter tooling

  • Lubricate dies and punches per schedule to ensure easy release of green parts
  • Inspect for wear or cracks and replace as preventive maintenance

Additive manufacturing machines

  • Perform scheduled calibration and maintenance per OEM guidelines
  • Monitor and replace worn consumables like recoaters and sieves

Proactive operation and maintenance results in high productivity and minimal unplanned downtime.

Selecting stainless steel powder 17-4ph Pemasok

Key factors in choosing suppliers of 17-4PH powder:

  • Keahlian teknis in materials, manufacturing processes and part design to support customers
  • Production capabilities including alloy variants, powder sizes and morphologies, capacity and lead times
  • Jaminan kualitas yang ketat covering chemical analysis, powder testing and process control
  • Industry experience and reputation gained from years of supplying powders with consistent quality
  • Range of services like sampling, prototype manufacturing, customization etc. to enable customer success
  • Global reach and logistics for responsive delivery with minimum lead times
  • Competitive and transparent pricing combined with value-added services like testing and analysis
  • Sertifikasi kualitas such as ISO 9001, ISO 13485 etc. demonstrating commitment to excellence

The right powder supplier acts as a valuable partner, providing both quality products and technical expertise for optimal results.

Advantages and Limitations of 17-4PH Powder


  • High strength and hardness combined with good ductility after aging
  • Excellent corrosion resistance comparable to austenitic stainless steels
  • Good toughness and fatigue strength
  • Easy to manufacture in complex parts using MIM or AM
  • Performs well in demanding applications across industries


  • Relatively more expensive than carbon steels
  • Susceptible to embrittlement if improperly processed or aged
  • Lower maximum service temperature compared to precipitation hardening nickel alloys
  • Requires careful handling to avoid composition contamination
  • Achieving an optimal combination of properties requires tight process control
stainless steel powder 17-4ph

Pertanyaan Umum

What are the typical applications for 17-4PH stainless steel powder?

17-4PH is commonly used in aerospace, oil and gas, automotive, medical, food processing, and other demanding applications requiring high strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance.

What powder characteristics are recommended for metal injection molding with 17-4PH?

For MIM, spherical powders with d50 of 8 – 15 microns and good flow properties (Hall flow rate around 20 sec/50g) are preferred to enable high powder loading in the feedstock and good mold filling.

How is corrosion resistance maximized when using 17-4PH powder?

Corrosion resistance is improved by having sufficient chromium content (>15%), low impurity levels, and a homogeneous microstructure free from precipitates. Solution annealing followed by rapid cooling helps dissolve carbides and provide the best corrosion resistance.

What is the typical 17-4PH heat treatment procedure and the purpose of each step?

17-4PH is solution annealed at 1900°F, water quenched to dissolve precipitates, conditioned at 350°F, then aged at 850°F to produce finely dispersed precipitates for optimum combination of hardness, strength and toughness.

What precautions are necessary during storage and handling of 17-4PH powder?

As a combustible metal powder, 17-4PH requires storage in a cool, dry, inert atmosphere away from oxygen and ignition sources. Proper grounding, ventilation, and PPE should be used when handling powder to prevent fire, sparks, and inhalation.


With its excellent balance of properties, 17-4PH stainless steel powder enables the manufacture of critical components across demanding industrial applications via efficient powder metallurgy processing methods. Proper selection and processing of 17-4PH powder combined with a heat treatment tailored to end-use requirements results in optimized performance. As processing know-how and availability continues to improve, 17-4PH will see expanded use displacing traditionally wrought and cast materials.

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