用于 3d 打印的金属粉末


金属粉末 are a critical raw material for additive manufacturing using powder bed fusion technology. This guide provides an overview of various metal powders used in 3D printing processes like selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM).

Introduction to Metal Powders for AM

Metal powders enable printing of complex, high-performance metal parts using additive manufacturing.

Materials used:

  • 不锈钢
  • 工具钢
  • 钴铬合金
  • 钛和钛合金
  • 铝合金
  • 镍超合金
  • 铜合金

Key powder properties:

  • Chemistry – Purity and composition
  • 颗粒形状和形态
  • 粒径分布
  • 表观密度和敲击密度
  • 流动性
  • Powder reuse

Powder production methods:

  • 气体雾化
  • 水雾化
  • 等离子雾化
  • 电极感应熔化
  • 羰基工艺
  • 机械合金化


Stainless steel powders are commonly used for printing corrosion resistant parts:

Alloy types:

  • Austenitic steels like 316L, 304L
  • Martensitic steels like 17-4PH
  • Duplex steels like 2205
  • Precipitation hardening like 17-4PH, 15-5PH


  • 高耐腐蚀性和抗氧化性
  • Good strength and ductility
  • Less prone to cracking than high-alloy steels
  • Parameters like build atmosphere critical


  • Chemical and process industry parts
  • Marine components
  • Medical implants and devices
  • Food/pharma industry parts requiring hygiene

供应商: Carpenter, Sandvik, Praxair, Höganäs, LPW Technology

Tool Steel Powders

Tool steels like H13 are ideal for printing wear and high-hardness parts:

Alloy types:

  • Shock-resistant steels like S7
  • Cold work steels like D2
  • Hot work steels like H13, H11
  • High speed steels like M2


  • Excellent hardness up to 60 HRC
  • High wear resistance
  • Good toughness and thermal fatigue resistance
  • Require high-temperature solution annealing


  • Metal forming dies and molds
  • 切割工具和钻头
  • Wear parts and bearings
  • High-temperature tooling

供应商: Sandvik, Erasteel, LPW Technology, Tekna Plasma Systems

Cobalt-Chrome Alloys

Cobalt-chrome powders print biocompatible implants and dental restorations:

Alloy types:

  • CoCrMo like Co-28Cr-6Mo
  • CoNiCrMo like Co-35Ni-20Cr-10Mo
  • CoCr like Co-67Cr-28Fe


  • 优异的生物相容性和耐腐蚀性
  • 高强度和硬度
  • Wear resistance for articulating joints
  • Challenging printability and cracking tendency


  • Dental copings, bridges and crowns
  • Orthopedic knee and hip implants
  • Fixation devices like cranial plates
  • Spinal fusion hardware

供应商: SLM Solutions, Carpenter, Arcam EBM

Titanium Powders

Titanium powders create strong, lightweight printed parts:

Alloy types:

  • Unalloyed titanium like Ti Grade 1-4
  • Ti-6Al-4V 合金
  • Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy
  • Other alpha + beta alloys


  • 高强度重量比
  • 卓越的耐腐蚀性
  • Good high-temperature properties
  • Low density – 4.5 g/cc
  • Reactive and requires inert atmosphere


  • Aerospace and motorsports components
  • Medical implants and prosthetics
  • Food/chemical industry parts
  • 汽车零部件

供应商: AP&C, Tekna, Carpenter Additive



Aluminum powders print lightweight structural or functional parts:

Alloy types:

  • AlSi10Mg
  • AlSi7Mg
  • AlSi12
  • Scalmalloy® and other Al alloys


  • Low density – 2.7 g/cc
  • Good strength and stiffness
  • 出色的导热性
  • Prone to cracking and residual stresses


  • Automotive and motorsports components
  • Aerospace and space applications
  • 热交换器
  • Medical equipment like casts

供应商: AP&C, Sandvik, LPW Technology, ECKA Granules


Nickel superalloys like Inconel 718 print high-temperature parts:

Alloy types:

  • 铬镍铁合金 718
  • 铬镍铁合金 625
  • Waspaloy
  • 哈氏合金 X


  • Excellent high-temperature strength
  • Good corrosion and creep resistance
  • Ability to work under stress at high temps
  • Challenging to process and prone to cracking


  • Turbine blades
  • Combustion chamber parts
  • Spacecraft components
  • Nuclear/chemical industry parts

供应商: Praxair, Carpenter Additive, GE Additive


Copper alloys like CuCrZr print highly conductive parts:

Alloy types:

  • Copper-chromium like CuCr1Zr
  • Copper-nickel like CuNi2SiCr
  • Bronzes like CuSn10


  • Excellent thermal and electrical conductivity
  • 良好的耐腐蚀性
  • Antibacterial property
  • Lower strengths than steels and Ni alloys


  • Electrical components like busbars
  • Heat exchangers and heat sinks
  • Waveguides and RF components
  • Medical instruments and fixations

供应商: Sandvik, LPW Technology, Metalysis


Typical metal powder specifications used in AM:

参数典型值Test Standards
颗粒大小10 - 45 μmASTM B214
粒子形状球形ISO 13322-2
流量25 - 35 秒/50 克ASTM B213
表观密度2 – 5 g/ccASTM B212
水龙头密度4 – 8 g/ccASTM B527
剩余氧气< 300 ppmIn-house method
残余氮< 50 ppmIn-house method
残碳< 30 ppmASTM E1019

Powder Production Methods


  • 高球形粉末
  • Small particle sizes of 5-100 μm
  • Used for reactive alloys like titanium

2. Water Atomization

  • Irregular powder shape
  • Larger particles up to 300 μm
  • Lower cost process


  • Controlled particle shapes
  • Submicron to 150 μm sizes
  • High purity powder

4. Mechanical Alloying

  • Elemental blending and milling
  • Cost-effective for custom alloys
  • Large particle sizes


LPW 技术工具钢、不锈钢$50 – $120/kg
AP&CTitanium alloys, Al alloys$70 – $450/kg
山特维克Stainless steels, Ni alloys$45 – $250/kg
普莱克斯Superalloys, titanium$150 – $600/kg
木匠添加剂Tool steels, CoCr, stainless$80 – $300/kg
  • Stainless steel powders cost $45-$120 per kg
  • Titanium alloy powders cost $150-$450 per kg
  • Superalloys and tool steels cost $250-$600 per kg

Prices depend on alloy, quality, lot size, and purchase agreements.

Powder Handling and Storage

To prevent contamination, proper powder handling is critical:

  • Use dedicated powder sieving areas
  • Ensure inert atmosphere gloveboxes and hoppers
  • Use conductive containers to dissipate static charges
  • Ground all equipment and transport containers
  • Avoid contact with oil, water, or oxygen
  • Store powder in sealed containers under inert gas
  • Control temperature and humidity during storage
  • Follow safety precautions like PPE when handling

Proper storage extends powder reuse life.


Sieving ensures consistent particle sizes:


  • Removes satellite particles that cause defects
  • 分解团块
  • Improves flow and packing density
  • Reduces recyclability issues
  • Removes foreign contaminants


  • Sieve powder using mesh sizes around 20-63 μm
  • Sieve using rotational or vibratory sieving
  • Perform sieving under inert atmosphere
  • 记录剩余粉末重量百分比

Sieving improves part quality by ensuring ideal powder spreadability.

Installation and Commissioning

Installing a metal AM printer with powder system involves:

  • Cleaning equipment surfaces to avoid contamination
  • Leak testing inert gas connections
  • Checking laser or electron beam power
  • Loading and testing powder recoating system
  • Integrating chiller, exhaust, and service connections
  • Installing monitoring and safety sensors
  • Verifying powder sieving and handling systems
  • Calibrating build plate levelling
  • Test printing sample parts and validating quality

Vendors provide installation and commissioning support.

Operation and Best Practices

Printer operation guidelines:

  • Perform regular leak checks and inert gas purity tests
  • Precondition powder to ensure consistent texture
  • Adjust layer thickness and laser parameters for new materials
  • Closely monitor the melt pool and control part temperature
  • Validate critical dimensions using test prints
  • Monitor powder condition and reuse only within recommendations
  • Perform regular maintenance on optics, beam delivery system and powder recoating mechanism


  • Use appropriate PPE such as respirators and gloves
  • Avoid contact with reactive fine metal powders
  • Handle waste powder properly under inert atmosphere


  • Use appropriate solution heat-treatment and ageing temperatures tailored to alloy and application
  • Control ramp rates during thermal processing to relieve stresses
  • Use hot isostatic pressing for complex parts if needed to improve densities
  • Apply finishing steps like CNC machining and polishing


Regular maintenance activities:


  • Inspect optics like mirrors, lenses, windows for damage
  • Clean the build chamber and powder handling system
  • Check inert gas levels and recharge if needed
  • Test the sieve mechanism and powder recoater


  • Calibrate sensors and instrumentation
  • Check fasteners, electrical terminals and grounding
  • Lubricate and inspect moving parts like motors and drives
  • Monitor filters for replacement


  • Leak test inert gas system using helium
  • Inspect safety devices like fire detectors
  • Check the CHP system health


  • Schedule preventive maintenance with equipment vendor
  • Calibrate laser power meter
  • Replace filters and consumable items

Maintenance as per vendor guidelines is required to sustain part quality and equipment health.

Choosing the Right Metal Printing System

Factors to consider when selecting a metal AM machine:


  • Type of components to be produced
  • Material needed based on part properties
  • Production volume requirements
  • Required accuracy and surface finish


  • Supported materials and parameters
  • Build size and speed
  • Precision and repeatability
  • Inert atmosphere management
  • Automation features and controls


  • Integrated or standalone system
  • Sieving, feeding, storage and reuse capabilities
  • Containment for reactive materials like titanium
  • Monitoring features to avoid contamination


  • Industry standards like ASTM F3301
  • 制造商质量认证
  • Safety standards compliance


  • Proven track record in AM industry
  • Local sales and technical support capabilities
  • Maintenance contracts and services offered
  • Operator training plans
  • Overall cost of ownership

Thorough requirements analysis and comparisons of machine offerings using these criteria results in the selection of the ideal 3D metal printing system tailored to the production needs.

Pros and Cons of Metal AM


  • High geometric complexity printed easily
  • Shorter time to functional parts
  • Reduced waste compared to subtractive processes
  • Single setup production directly from CAD
  • Lightweighting and part consolidation potential
  • Performance improvements with engineered alloys
  • Customization and mass customization capabilities


  • High machine and material costs
  • Additional post-processing steps required
  • Limited size based on build chamber
  • 控制内部缺陷可能具有挑战性
  • Material properties can vary versus wrought
  • Surface finish limitations may require finishing
  • Training and expertise requirements

Troubleshooting Common Metal AM Issues

孔隙率Improper process parametersOptimize laser power, speed, hatch spacing
Powder contaminationUse fresh sieved powder, improve powder handling
Insufficient overlap between scan tracksAdjust beam focus size and overlap
裂缝Excessive thermal stressesOptimize preheating, control cooling rate with heaters
Material prone to crackingChange orientation to reduce stresses
Contamination from build atmosphereEnsure high purity inert atmosphere
翘曲加热或冷却不均匀Optimize scan patterns and restrain part on build plate
Poor Surface FinishPart temperature too lowIncrease preheat temperature
Improper melt pool fluidityAdjust power and other parameters
受污染的粉末Use fresh powder and improve handling


Q: What metal alloy powders can be used for AM?

A: Stainless steels, tool steels, titanium alloys, nickel superalloys, aluminum alloys, cobalt-chrome, and copper alloys are common.

Q: What is the typical range of powder particle sizes used?

A: For PBF-LB/M processes, 10-45 microns is common, with tighter distribution around 20-45 μm.

Q: How long can metal powders last?

A: With ideal argon storage, many alloys last 1-2 years. Reuse life is shorter – 20-100 prints based on alloy.

Q: What post-processing steps are required on metal AM parts?

A: Support removal, heat treatment, surface finishing like CNC machining, polishing and coating are often required.

Q: How are reactive metal powders like titanium and aluminum handled?

A: Specialized powder handling under inert argon atmosphere is needed to prevent oxygen pickup.

Q: What are common powder contamination risks?

A: Exposure to atmosphere leading to oxygen or nitrogen pickup. Metallic particles from machining or wear. Oil and moisture.

Q: What standards are used for qualifying metal powders?

A: ASTM B214, ASTM B812, ASTM F3049, ASTM F3301, and MPIF standards.

Q: Why is powder sieving important?

A: It breaks up agglomerates, removes satellites, and provides optimum and consistent powder size for high density and surface finish.


Metal powders enable additive manufacturing of advanced, high-performance components with properties better than wrought materials in some cases. A wide range of alloys from stainless steels to superalloys and titanium are available in powder form, tailored to demanding applications across aerospace, medical, automotive, and general industries. With continual improvements in alloys, quality standards, production processes, machinery, and part properties – metal AM is maturing into a core production technology globally. However, process and material expertise and rigorous quality control are essential to realize the full benefits. As more experience is gained, metal AM provides unprecedented capabilities to manufacture complex and customized parts with greater design freedom and shorter lead times.

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Metal3DP Technology Co., LTD 是一家领先的增材制造解决方案提供商,总部位于中国青岛。公司专注于工业应用领域的三维打印设备和高性能金属粉末。



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