TC4 粉末:技术概览


TC4 粉末又称碳化钛,是一种由钛和碳组成的极硬陶瓷材料。它具有高硬度、优异的耐磨性、良好的导热性和高抗化学侵蚀性等特点。TC4 粉末可应用于多种行业,包括航空航天、汽车、军事、金属切削和成型工具等。

TC4 powder

TC4 粉末的成分

TC4 powder contains both titanium and carbon in varying proportions based on the grade. The titanium carbide chemical formula is TiC, but commercial TC4 powder can have carbon content ranging from 6.25% to 11.7% by weight.

要素重量 %
钛 (Ti)88.3 – 93.75
碳 (C)6.25 – 11.7

By controlling the ratio of titanium to carbon, manufacturers can tailor the properties like hardness, toughness, and thermal conductivity. Higher carbon TC4 grades have higher hardness whereas lower carbon variants have greater toughness.

Properties and Characteristics of TC4 Powder

TC4 powder stands out due to its exceptional hardness and wear properties combined with good corrosion resistance. Here are the key technical characteristics and capabilities:

硬度2800-3100 HV, up to 3500 HV for high carbon variants
密度4.9 – 5.2 g/cm3
导热性~35 W/m-K
热膨胀系数7.4 x 10-6/K
杨氏模量450 GPa
抗压强度1.7 – 3.5 GPa
Chemical resistanceResistant to acids, bases, salts, oxidizing environments up to 800°C

The unparalleled hardness makes TC4 ideal for wear protection and cutting applications. It retains strength and corrosion resistance at high temperatures. The high thermal conductivity improves heat dissipation in tools and inserts.

Specifications and Grades of TC4 Powder

TC4 powder is available in a range of particle sizes, carbon content, and purity levels to meet application requirements:

颗粒大小0.5 – 45 microns
碳含量Low (6.25%), Medium (8%), High (10-11.7%)
纯净Up to 99%
粉末形态Angular, granular, spherical
年级R, P, S, M

Common TC4 powder grades include:

  • Grade R – For sintered products with medium carbon 8%
  • Grade P – High purity for special applications
  • Grade S – For spraying and welding products
  • Grade M – For molding and pressing

Higher purity, controlled particle size distribution, and consistent morphology results in higher quality sintered parts.

Applications and Uses of TC4 Powder

The unique properties of TC4 powder make it suitable for the following applications:

Metal cuttingIndexable inserts, end mills, drills, reamers
Metal formingExtrusion dies, swaging dies, wire drawing dies
MiningRock drill bits, well drilling inserts
汽车Camshafts, valves, seals
航空航天Air seals, engine components
电子产品Thermal conductors, contacts
TextilesTextile machinery parts
水泵Seals, bearings
医疗Surgical tools, implants

The automotive sector uses TC4 powder for cams, valves and other engine components needing heat and wear resistance. The aerospace industry relies on it for air seals needing stability at high temperatures. TC4 powder also makes excellent cutting inserts with increased tool life.

TC4 Powder vs. Alternatives

Here is how TC4 powder compares to other hard materials in terms of properties and performance:

硬度2800 – 3500 HV1300 – 1900 HV2300 – 3000 HV
Chemical resistance优秀贫穷优秀

Advantages of TC4 powder:

  • Extremely hard with excellent wear resistance
  • Better corrosion resistance than tungsten carbide
  • More thermally conductive than tungsten carbide
  • Lower cost than tungsten carbide

Limitations of TC4 powder:

  • More brittle than tungsten carbide, prone to chipping
  • Not as chemically inert as silicon carbide
  • Lower temperature stability than silicon carbide

So TC4 provides the best combination of hardness, toughness, thermal properties and cost for most applications. It outperforms tungsten carbide for wear protection and silicon carbide for high temperature stability.

TC4 Powder Pricing

TC4 powder is more expensive than titanium powder but lower cost compared to tungsten carbide powder. Here are typical prices per kg:

R99%70 – 90
P99.5%100 – 130
S97%50 – 70
M96%40 – 60

Prices vary based on:

  • Purity and oxygen/nitrogen content
  • 粒径分布
  • Powder morphology (angular, spherical)
  • 购买数量
  • Supplier brand

High purity TC4 powder with controlled particle sizes can cost up to $130/kg whereas lower purity grades for pressing or welding start around $40/kg.

Where to Buy TC4 Powder

Here are some of the leading global suppliers manufacturing and selling TC4 titanium carbide powder:

Micron Metals美国
Inframat 高级材料公司美国
Beijing BoYu Tech中国

When selecting a TC4 powder supplier, consider:

  • Reputation and years in business
  • 质量认证
  • 纯度水平
  • Particle size control
  • 粉末形态
  • 生产能力
  • 定价
  • Customer service and technical support

Established companies like Micron Metals, ZhuZhou GuangYuan and Inframat Advanced Materials are leading producers with strict quality control and competitive pricing.

TC4 Powder: FAQs

Q: What is the difference between TC4 and TC16 powder grades?

A: TC16 powder has lower carbon content around 6.25% while TC4 powder has medium carbon around 8%. So TC16 has higher toughness while TC4 is harder.

Q: Is TC4 powder toxic?

A: TC4 powder is considered relatively non-toxic. But it may cause irritation upon contact with skin or eyes. Proper PPE should be used when handling.

Q: What is the best way to make TC4 parts?

A: Most TC4 components are made by sintering TC4 powder. Cold pressing and hot isostatic pressing can also be used. CVD deposition of TC4 is also possible.

Q: What industries use TC4 powder the most?

A: Cutting tools, aerospace engine parts, automotive components, and mining tools account for the bulk of TC4 powder consumption. The combination of hardness, wear resistance and temperature capabilities make it ideal for these applications.

Q: Does TC4 powder rust?

A: No, TC4 powder does not rust or corrode easily. It offers excellent corrosion resistance due to the presence of stable titanium carbide. TC4 retains its properties in a wide range of chemicals.

Q: Is TC4 powder fine grain or coarse?

A: TC4 powder is available in both fine micrograin sizes and coarser grain sizes. Fine powder below 10 microns is preferred for sintering while coarser 20-45 micron powder is used for welding or thermal spraying.

Q: Can TC4 powder be 3D printed?

A: Yes, advanced binder jetting and laser powder bed fusion techniques allow 3D printing complex geometries using TC4 powder for added hardness, strength, and wear resistance.


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Metal3DP Technology Co., LTD 是一家领先的增材制造解决方案提供商,总部位于中国青岛。公司专注于工业应用领域的三维打印设备和高性能金属粉末。



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