加拿大用于 3D 打印的金属粉末


Overview of Metal Powder for 3D Printing

3D 打印,又称 快速成型制造, has revolutionized manufacturing processes for prototyping and production applications. Unlike traditional subtractive techniques that remove material, 3D printing builds up components layer by layer based on a digital 3D model.

Metal 3D printing, in particular, opens up possibilities for fabricating intricate, lightweight geometries with high strength and thermal resistance using various alloy powders. The fine metallic powder is selectively melted by a heat source like a laser or electron beam to fuse layers together.

Canada is emerging as a leading hub for metal 3D printing, with materials suppliers, service bureaus, and end-use part manufacturers adopting the technology. This article provides a comprehensive overview of metal powders used for 3D printing applications in Canada.

Types of Metal Powders Used in 3D Printing

Several alloys are used to create metal 3D printed parts, including:

合金 粉末主要特性应用
不锈钢粉末Corrosion resistance, high strength, wear resistanceAerospace, automotive, consumer products
Aluminum Alloy PowderLightweight, high thermal conductivity航空航天、汽车
Cobalt Chrome PowderHigh strength, wear resistance, biocompatibilityMedical implants, tooling
镍合金粉Heat resistance, corrosion resistanceAerospace, oil and gas
铜粉High thermal, electrical conductivityElectronics, heat exchangers

The most common metal powder materials used in 3D printing currently are stainless steels, titanium alloys, nickel superalloys, and cobalt-chrome alloys. The choice depends on mechanical requirements, corrosion resistance needed, high-temperature performance, weight considerations, biocompatibility, and cost.

Methods for Producing Metal Powders

Metal powders can be produced using various methods, each resulting in powders with different characteristics suited to AM processes:

  • 气体雾化 – High pressure gas breaks up molten metal stream into fine droplets that solidify into spherical particles ideal for 3D printing
  • 水雾化 – Less expensive but produces more irregularly shaped particles
  • 等离子雾化 – Allows reactive alloys like titanium and aluminum to be atomized in an inert atmosphere
  • Electrode induction melting gas atomization (EIGA) – Combines induction melting and gas atomization for small quantities of specialized alloys
  • Mechanical milling/alloying – Ball milling of metal powders to obtain specific microstructures and particle shapes

Atomization techniques allow precise control of powder composition, morphology, grain structure, particle size distribution, and flow characteristics needed for high quality 3D printed parts.


Metal powders used in additive manufacturing must meet strict specifications for:

  • 颗粒大小 – Typically 10 to 45 microns
  • 形态学 – Spherical, satellite-free particles enable good flow and dense packing
  • 化学成分 – Tight control to obtain desired mechanical properties
  • 微观结构 – Depends on solidification rate during atomization
  • Powder flow characteristics – Affects uniformity of spreading during printing

Maintaining consistency in these powder characteristics is crucial for defect-free, reliable 3D printed metal components.

Suppliers of Metal Powders in Canada

Canada has a growing number of companies involved in producing and supplying metal powders for the AM industry:

Leading Suppliers of Metal Powders in Canada

ATI 粉末金属公司Barrie, OntarioNickel, cobalt, and titanium alloys
普莱克斯表面技术公司Indianapolis, Indiana; Produced in CanadaTitanium, nickel, stainless steel, cobalt chrome
山特维克鹗Neath, Wales; Warehouse in Windsor, OntarioStainless steel, maraging steel, cobalt chrome, tantalum, niobium
木匠添加剂Reading, Pennsylvania; Warehouse in Ancaster, OntarioStainless steels, cobalt chrome, titanium, aluminum, copper, nickel alloys
赫加纳斯Halmstad, Sweden; Toronto, OntarioStainless steel, tool steel, low alloy steel
AP&CLaval, QuebecTitanium, tantalum, aluminum alloys

These major metal powder producers have established operations in Canada to be close to the growing market. They offer a broad range of alloys meeting requirements for aerospace, medical, automotive, and industrial 3D printing applications.

In addition, Canada is home to producers of specialist metal powders like Nanosteel, Quebec Metal Powders, and GKN Powder Metallurgy focused on custom alloys. Universities like McGill, UBC, and Waterloo also have powder production capabilities for research purposes.

Cost of Metal Powders

Metal powders make up a significant portion of the operating costs of metal AM. Prices vary widely depending on composition, quality requirements, and purchase volumes:

不锈钢$45 – $105 per kg
钛合金 Ti64$350 – $500 per kg
镍超合金每公斤 $90 - $250
钴铬合金$110 – $350 per kg

Stainless steel and low alloy steel powders are the most economical while titanium, nickel, and cobalt alloys used in critical applications are far more expensive.

High quality powders meeting strict aerospace and medical specifications command premium pricing. Custom alloys and small lot purchases also increase costs significantly. Reusing oversize and recovered powders helps lower expenses.

Overall, powder costs are dropping as production scales up. But material costs remain a limiting factor, especially for small buyers. Larger purchasers have more leverage to obtain discounts from metal powder producers.

Applications of Metal 3D Printing in Canada

Metal additive manufacturing is gaining adoption in several industries in Canada:


  • Complex titanium and nickel alloy components like ducting, housings, structural fittings
  • Lightweighting challenging geometries for fuel efficiency
  • Reduced part count assemblies consolidated into one piece
  • Custom repairs and parts for legacy aircraft


  • Orthopedic implants like hip, knee, and spinal implants in titanium and cobalt chrome
  • Patient-specific implants matched to anatomy with 3D scans
  • Porous structures to promote bone in-growth
  • Cutting guides and surgical tools printed on demand


  • Lightweight aluminum and titanium parts
  • Customized tooling like jigs, fixtures, grippers
  • Low volume production of brackets, housings, manifolds
  • Aftermarket custom accessories and tuning components


  • Stainless steel components for valves, pumps, fittings
  • Corrosion-resistant nickel alloy parts for wellhead equipment
  • Custom one-off replacement parts on offshore platforms


  • Customized products like jewelry, figures, hardware printed in precious metals
  • Limited edition stainless steel premium products like watches, pens, sculptures
  • Customized orthodontics, dental implants, prosthetics components

These industries are adopting metal AM in Canada for its design freedom, part consolidation, lightweighting, performance gains, mass customization, and digital inventory capabilities.

Service Providers for Metal 3D Printing in Canada

Along with parts suppliers, Canada has a strong network of specialized service bureaus focused on metal additive manufacturing:

Leading Metal 3D Printing Service Bureaus in Canada

公司名称地点Materials & Processes
3DSPToronto, OntarioTitanium, Inconel, Stainless Steel – Direct Metal Laser Sintering
Additive Manufacturing TechnologiesOntarioTitanium, Steel, Aluminum, Inconel – Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Express MetalOntarioStainless Steel, Tool Steel, Titanium, Aluminum – Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Canadian MetalworkingVancouverStainless Steel, Aluminum, Tool Steel – Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Aurora LabsVancouverTitanium, Nickel Alloys – Direct Energy Deposition
Burloak TechnologiesOntarioTitanium, Aluminum, Steel, Nickel – Direct Energy Deposition
LaserCusingQuebecStainless Steel, Aluminum, Titanium – Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Laser PrototypingQuebecTitanium, Aluminum – Directed Energy Deposition

These service bureaus cater to aerospace, medical, automotive, and industrial clients across Canada, providing access to a variety of metal AM technologies for prototyping and production needs. Their expertise and high-end equipment helps make quality metal 3D printing accessible for Canadian companies looking to adopt AM.

Trends and Outlook for Metal AM in Canada

Canada has cultivated a strong metal powder supply chain, service bureau network, and end-user base in aerospace and medical industries. Some key trends shaping the growth of metal 3D printing in Canada include:

  • Increasing adoption of AM technologies by leading aerospace firms like Bombardier, Pratt & Whitney, Bell Helicopter
  • Funding for metal AM research at Canadian universities and government labs
  • International powder suppliers establishing Canadian sites to tap the growing market
  • Emergence of Canada-based metal powder producers focusing on niche alloys
  • Expansion of service bureaus into volume production of end-use components
  • More SMEs exploring AM for lightweighting, customization, consolidated assemblies
  • Government and industry collaboration through organizations like CRIAQ, NGen, CAMX
  • Development of process controls and standards specific to metal AM
  • Hybrid manufacturing combining metal AM with subtractive CNC machining
  • Simulations and workflow software improving quality and repeatability

With accelerating interest from both established and new adopters, metal additive manufacturing in Canada is poised for strong continued growth. Ongoing improvements in materials, processes, design tools, and quality control will help expand applications acrossaerospace, medical, automotive, and general industrial sectors. Canada’s innovation ecosystem and capabilities position it well to help drive advances in metal 3D printing globally.

Frequently Asked Questions on Metal Powders for 3D Printing

Here are answers to some common questions about metal powders for AM:

Q: What particle size range is recommended for metal 3D printing powders?

A: The ideal particle size is usually 10-45 microns. Finer particles pack better but flow poorly, while coarser particles hurt density and surface finish.

Q: How spherical should metal powders be for AM processes?

A: High sphericity and smooth surface helps powder flow and packing. Satellites and loose agglomerates affect these and should be minimized.

Q: Which metal 3D printing process requires the highest quality powders?

A: Laser powder bed fusion has the strictest requirements for powder characteristics and consistency for smooth operation.

Q: Should metal powders be dried before 3D printing use?

A: Yes, drying is recommended to remove any absorbed moisture which can cause issues during processing. Vacuum drying or baking is commonly used.

Q: Can unused metal printing powders be recycled?

A: Yes, unused powder can usually be recovered, sieved, and blended with fresh powder for reuse, reducing costs.

Q: How are metal powders with reactive elements like titanium or aluminum handled?

A: Specialized inert handling like gloveboxes and sealed containers is needed to prevent oxidation or contamination.

Q: What is the typical shelf life of unused metal powders?

A: If stored properly in a cool, dry, inert environment, powders can last several years before properties degrade. First-in-first-out (FIFO) inventory management is recommended.

Q: Does metal powder for AM need to be handled as a hazardous material?

A: Precautions are required due to flammability and explosion risks from fine metallic powders. Proper protective gear and safety procedures are a must.

Q: What are some new alloy powders being developed for metal AM?

A: CuNiSi for electrical contacts, FeNiCoTi for soft magnets, CoCrFeNi for high entropy alloys, CuCoMnNi for shape memory are some emerging materials.


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Metal3DP Technology Co., LTD 是一家领先的增材制造解决方案提供商,总部位于中国青岛。公司专注于工业应用领域的三维打印设备和高性能金属粉末。



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