

Overview of Metal Materials for 3D Printing

3D 打印,又称 快速成型制造, allows for the creation of complex metal parts directly from 3D CAD data. In contrast to traditional subtractive methods like CNC machining, 3D printing builds up parts layer-by-layer without the need for dedicated tooling or fixtures.

Metal 3D printing opens up new possibilities for producing customized, lightweight, and high-performance metal components with complex geometries. Aerospace, automotive, medical, and defense industries are increasingly adopting metal 3D printing for end-use production applications.

However, not all metals can be easily 3D printed. The most commonly used metal materials are aluminum, titanium, nickel, stainless steel, and cobalt-chrome alloys. The choice of material depends on the specific application requirements – strength, corrosion resistance, high temperature performance, biocompatibility, etc.

This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of various metals and alloys used in 3D printing. We discuss the composition, properties, applications, and pros and cons of popular metal materials to help you select the right material for your needs.

Key Takeaways on Metal 3D Printing Materials:

  • Aluminum alloys offer good strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance at lower costs.
  • Titanium alloys provide excellent strength with low density and biocompatibility for medical uses.
  • Stainless steels have high strength and corrosion resistance for tooling and functional parts.
  • Nickel superalloys can withstand high temperatures making them suitable for aerospace.
  • Cobalt-chrome alloys provide hardness, wear resistance and biocompatibility for dental and medical implants.
  • Material choice depends on mechanical requirements, post-processing needs, costs and 3D printing method suitability.
  • Part orientation, support structures, layer thickness and build parameters need to be optimized for each metal material.
  • Post-processing like hot isostatic pressing can enhance final part properties.

Composition of Metal Materials for 3D Printing

The composition of alloying elements in metals and the microstructure provides specific properties and determines the suitability of the material for 3D printing.


Aluminum is known for its low density and good corrosion resistance. Wrought and cast aluminum alloys are most commonly used:

6061Mg, Si, Cu, Cr
7075Zn, Mg, Cu, Cr
A356Si, Mg, Cu

6061 offers better corrosion resistance while 7075 has higher strength. A356 is a castable alloy.


Titanium has high strength-to-weight ratio and bio-compatibility but can be difficult to machine. Common alloys:

钛-6Al-4VAl, V
Ti 6242Al, Sn

Ti-6Al-4V offers the best balance of properties and is the most extensively used titanium alloy.


Stainless steels contain Cr and Ni for good corrosion resistance. Some alloys used:

316LNi, Mo, Cr
17-4PHNi, Cr, Cu
303S, Cr, Ni

316L provides excellent corrosion resistance. 17-4PH is precipitation hardening martensitic stainless steel.


Nickel superalloys have high strength and withstand extreme temperatures. Common alloys:

铬镍铁合金 718镍、铬、铁、铌、钼
铬镍铁合金 625镍、铬、钼、铌

Inconel 718 is extensively used in aerospace applications. Inconel 625 has excellent corrosion resistance.

Cobalt-Chrome Alloys

Cobalt-chrome alloys provide hardness, wear resistance and biocompatibility. Two main grades used:

钴铬钼合金Co, Cr, Mo
CoNiCrMoCo, Ni, Cr, Mo

Both provide similar properties. CoCrMo is more widely used.

Mechanical Properties of Metal Materials

The mechanical properties of the metal determine the performance of the 3D printed part. Below are typical properties of commonly used alloys:

Metal Material屈服强度(兆帕)拉伸强度(兆帕)伸长(%)密度(克/立方厘米)
316L 不锈钢290515408
铬镍铁合金 71811381275128.19
铬镍铁合金 625550860358.44
  • Aluminum alloys offer medium strength with excellent elongation.
  • Titanium alloys provide very high strength considering their low density.
  • Stainless steel 316L offers good ductility and excellent corrosion resistance.
  • Inconel superalloys are extremely strong but less ductile.
  • Cobalt chrome has high hardness making it difficult to machine after printing.

Applications of Metal 3D Printing

The choice of material depends on the end-use application and the specific design requirements:

航空航天Turbine blades, structural bracketsTitanium alloys, Inconel, Stainless steel
汽车Custom parts, toolingAluminum, Low alloy steel
医疗植入物、手术器械Titanium, Cobalt-chrome
石油和天然气Valves, pumps, toolingStainless steel, Inconel
国防Complex parts, lightweight armorAluminum, Titanium

Some typical applications taking advantage of 3D printed metal parts:

  • Aerospace: Complex and lightweight brackets and structural components
  • Automotive: Customized parts for motorsports applications
  • Medical: Patient-specific implants and surgical instrumentation
  • Oil and gas: High-performance valves and pumps for pipelines
  • Defense: Detailed and lightweight components for vehicles and equipment

Pros and Cons of Key Metal Materials

Here is a comparison of the advantages and limitations of popular metal alloys used in 3D printing:

Aluminum 6061Low cost, good corrosion resistanceLower strength
Aluminum 7075高强度重量比Difficult to weld
钛 Ti-6Al-4VHigh strength, low densityExpensive material
Stainless Steel 316L卓越的耐腐蚀性Lower strength than alloys
铬镍铁合金 718Withstands extreme temperaturesChallenging to machine
钴铬合金Excellent wear and biocompatibilityLimited ductility

Suppliers of Metal 3D Printing Materials

Many companies provide metal powders and wire specifically for 3D printing processes:

材料Key Suppliers
铝合金AP&C, Sandvik, HC Starck
钛合金AP&C, TLS Technik, Tekna
不锈钢Sandvik, Carpenter Additive
镍超合金AP&C, Sandvik, Praxair
Cobalt Chrome AlloysAP&C, Sandvik, SLM Solutions

Factors like powder quality, consistency, particle shape and size distribution affect final part properties and print process stability. Reputed suppliers provide well-characterized and customized alloys tailored for AM.

Cost Analysis of Metal 3D Printing Materials

Material costs constitute a significant portion of the final part cost in metal 3D printing. Below are approximate price ranges:

材料Cost per KgCost per cm3
铬镍铁合金 718$350-$600$2.50-$4.50
  • Titanium and cobalt chrome alloys are the most expensive while aluminum is moderately priced.
  • Material costs scale with build volume – larger parts in expensive alloys require higher material budgets.
  • Optimization to reduce support waste and post-processing can help lower effective material costs.

Standards for Metal Powders

To ensure repeatable high quality prints, metal powders used in 3D printing must meet certain minimum standards:

物业Key Standards
粒径分布ASTM B822, ISO 4490
流动性ASTM B213, ISO 4490
表观密度ASTM B212, ISO 3923
水龙头密度ASTM B527, ISO 3953
化学成分ASTM E1479, OES analysis
  • Powder quality influences final part properties like density, surface finish and mechanicals.
  • Spherical powders with controlled particle size distribution have excellent flowability.
  • Consistent chemistry and density provide process stability and repeatability.

3D Printing Methods for Metals

Various 3D printing technologies can process metals and alloys:

方法材料Key Benefits局限性
粉末床融合大多数合金出色的精度和表面光洁度Slow build rates
定向能量沉积大多数合金Built-up features on existing partsLower resolution
粘结剂喷射不锈钢High speed printingLower strength
Metal Extrusion有限合金Low equipment costs密度较低
  • Powder bed technologies like DMLS offer the highest resolution and accuracy.
  • Binder jetting works with a wider range of alloys but has lower final part strength.
  • Directed energy deposition allows printing of large near-net shape parts.


As-printed metal parts typically require post-processing to achieve desired properties:

支持移除拆除支撑结构Alloys with thin, fragile supports
缓解压力Reduce residual stressesAll alloys
热等静压Increase density, enhance propertiesAll alloys
表面处理Improve surface roughnessAll alloys
热处理Modify microstructureAge-hardenable alloys like aluminum
加工Accurate dimensions and surface finish大多数合金
  • Stress relieving heat treatment is recommended for all alloys to prevent distortion.
  • HIP treatment can significantly enhance final material properties.
  • CNC machining provides dimensional accuracy and surface finish.

How to Choose a Metal Material for 3D Printing

Follow these guidelines for selecting an optimal metal material:

  • Match the alloy properties to design requirements like strength, hardness, thermal resistance etc.
  • Consider post-processing needs – some alloys like Inconel are challenging to machine.
  • Evaluate part size and geometry – some metals like aluminum are better for larger parts.
  • Assess production volumes – prototype in cheaper material then switch to higher performance alloys.
  • Account for material availability and costs early in the design stage.
  • Work closely with your 3D printing service provider to select the best material.
  • Optimize print parameters like orientation and layer thickness based on the specific alloy chosen.
  • Perform test builds and material characterization tests before starting production.


Q: Which metal alloy has the highest strength for 3D printing?

A: Inconel superalloys like Inconel 718 have the highest tensile strength but are less ductile. Titanium Ti-6Al-4V has the highest strength-to-weight ratio.

Q: Are parts 3D printed in stainless steel corrosion resistant?

A: Yes, 316L and other stainless steel alloys maintain their excellent corrosion resistance after 3D printing.

Q: What is the most commonly used titanium alloy in 3D printing?

A: Ti-6Al-4V is the most popular titanium alloy, comprising 90% of all titanium 3D printing. It offers the best all-round properties.

Q: Which aluminum alloy is best for 3D printing?

A: 6061 and 7075 are most widely used, with 6061 offering good corrosion resistance at lower cost, and 7075 chosen for high-strength structural applications.

Q: Are post-processing steps mandatory for metal 3D printed parts?

A: Post-processing like support removal, stress relieving and surface finishing is highly recommended for optimal material properties and performance.

Q: Which 3D printing process works with the widest range of metal alloys?

A: Binder jetting and directed energy deposition can work with most alloys but powder bed fusion produces higher resolution parts.

Q: How does part accuracy compare between machining and 3D printing of metals?

A: CNC machined parts allow tighter tolerances and better surface finish than 3D printed metals. However, 3D printing enables more complex geometries.

Q: Which metal 3D printing process has the fastest build speeds?

A: Binder jetting can achieve the highest print speeds, building parts up to 10 times faster than powder bed fusion processes.


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