Why Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder is the Best Choice for Critical Applications


When it comes to high-performance materials in industries like 항공우주, 의료적층 제조, few alloys can rival the versatility and strength of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder. This specialized form of titanium alloy powder brings together the benefits of 티타늄, 알루미늄바나듐 to create a material that is not only lightweight but also exceptionally strong and corrosion-resistant. The added designation ELI (Extra Low Interstitial) means it is particularly suited for applications demanding the highest levels of 생체 적합성 그리고 피로 강도.

이 종합 가이드에서는 다음과 같은 사항에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것을 살펴봅니다. Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder—from its composition and key properties to its applications and pricing. Whether you’re an engineer sourcing materials for a new product or just curious about advanced alloys, this article will provide a deep dive into the world of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder.

Overview: What is Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder?

Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder 는 고성능 티타늄 합금 를 포함하는 6% 알루미늄(Al) 그리고 4% vanadium (V), with the ELI designation indicating extra low interstitial elements, such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. These low interstitial levels enhance the alloy’s 인성, 생체 적합성피로 저항, making it particularly useful in 의료용 임플란트 그리고 critical aerospace components.

The spherical shape of the powder, achieved through processes like 가스 분무우수한 유동성, 포장 밀도균일성에 필수적인 적층 제조 다음과 같은 기술 3D 프린팅.

Why Choose Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder?

  • 높은 중량 대비 강도 비율: This alloy is incredibly strong while remaining lightweight, making it ideal for aerospace and automotive industries.
  • 생체 적합성: Thanks to its ELI designation, the alloy is safe for use in medical implants and prosthetics.
  • 뛰어난 내식성: It performs exceptionally well in corrosive environments, such as saltwater or bodily fluids.
  • 피로 저항: The low interstitial content boosts its ability to withstand repeated stress cycles, extending product lifespan.

Types, Composition, and Properties of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

의 고유 속성 Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder stem from its precise combination of 티타늄, 알루미늄바나듐, along with its spherical particle shape, which enhances processability in 적층 제조. Let’s break down the composition and the properties of this remarkable material.

Common Composition of Ti6Al4V ELI Alloy

요소일반적인 구성(%)합금에서의 역할
티타늄(Ti)88 - 90%Base element providing strength, corrosion resistance
알루미늄(Al)5.5 – 6.75%Increases strength and reduces weight
바나듐(V)3.5 – 4.5%Improves toughness and hardenability
산소(O)≤ 0.13%Kept low to enhance ductility and fatigue resistance
질소(N)≤ 0.05%Low levels to maintain material toughness
탄소(C)≤ 0.08%Low levels to maintain ductility

그리고 ELI designation ensures that the levels of 산소, 질소탄소 are kept to a minimum, which is crucial for applications that require 높은 인성 그리고 피로 저항.

Key Mechanical and Thermal Properties

궁극의 인장 강도860 – 950 MPa
수율 강도795 – 860 MPa
탄성 계수110 GPa
경도(로크웰 C)30 – 36 HRC
내식성Excellent in saltwater, marine, and biological environments
피로 강도High, particularly for cyclic loading
열 전도성6.7W/m-K

이러한 속성은 Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder 에 대한 자료 높은 스트레스, high-demand 응용 프로그램입니다. 그 그리고 내식성 are comparable to that of 스테인리스 스틸, but it is about 45% lighter.

Applications of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

그리고 다용도성Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder is one of its most attractive features. It finds applications in a wide range of industries, from 의료 기기항공우주 그리고 자동차. Let’s look at some of the most common uses of this alloy.

Key Applications of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

의료고관절 및 무릎 임플란트, 치과 보철, 척추 임플란트
항공우주엔진 구성 요소, 구조 부품, 랜딩 기어
자동차High-performance parts, 배기 시스템, 터보차저
적층 제조3D printing of custom medical devices, 항공우주 부품
해양프로펠러, 샤프트, 선체, 부식 방지 부품

의료 애플리케이션

에서 의료 산업, Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder is frequently used to create 임플란트와 같은 고관절 교체, 무릎 교체치과 임플란트. 그것의 생체 적합성 ensures that the body accepts the material without adverse reactions, while its high fatigue strength ensures the longevity of implants.

항공우주 애플리케이션

~ 안에 항공우주를 사용하여 재료의 중량 대비 강도 비율 is invaluable. It is used in 엔진 구성 요소, 랜딩 기어, and structural parts where weight savings directly translate into improved fuel efficiency and performance.

자동차 애플리케이션

For 자동차 애플리케이션합금은 다음에서 사용됩니다. high-performance engines, 배기 시스템터보차저. 견딜 수 있는 능력 고온 그리고 부식성 환경 makes it ideal for motorsport and luxury vehicles.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

올바른 선택 사양 에 대한 Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder is crucial, particularly in industries like 적층 제조 또는 금속 사출 성형, where particle size, purity, and flowability can significantly impact the final product.

Common Specifications for Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

사양세부 정보
입자 크기 분포15–45 µm (for additive manufacturing), 45–105 µm (for metal injection molding)
순도≥ 99.99%
벌크 밀도2.5 – 3.5 g/cm³
유량12 – 15 s/50g (Hall Flowmeter)
산소 함량≤ 0.13%
패키징1kg, 5kg 및 대량 구매 가능
인증ASTM F136, ISO 5832-3, AMS 4999

그리고 입자 크기 분포 은 특히 다음과 같은 경우에 중요합니다. 적층 제조 다음과 같은 프로세스 3D 프린팅, where finer particles allow for more detailed and intricate designs. 순도 그리고 산소 함량 are controlled to ensure the material’s suitability for 의료용 임플란트 그리고 항공우주 부품.

Available Particle Sizes for Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

입자 크기애플리케이션
15 - 25 µm고정밀 3D 프린팅 for medical devices
25 – 45 µm적층 제조 for aerospace and automotive parts
45 - 105 µm금속 사출 성형 더 큰 구성 요소의 경우

Industry Standards for Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

For Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder, adhering to industry standards is critical to ensure product quality, safety, and performance. Below are some of the key standards:

  • ASTM F136: 표준 사양 wrought titanium alloy for surgical implants.
  • ISO 5832-3: 표준 티타늄 합금 다음에서 사용 의료용 임플란트.
  • AMS 4999: 항공우주 재료 사양 분말 야금 titanium alloys.

Suppliers and Pricing for Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

적합한 공급업체 찾기 Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder is key to ensuring that you get the correct particle size, 순도인증 for your needs. Pricing can vary significantly based on factors like 주문량, 사용자 지정 사양입자 크기 분포.

Top Suppliers and Pricing for Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

공급업체제품 설명kg당 가격(USD)댓글
샌드빅 오스프리High-purity Ti6Al4V ELI powder for 3D printing$300 – $400적층 제조용 분말 전문 기업
카펜터 기술Custom Ti6Al4V ELI powder for medical use$350 - $450의료용 임플란트에 대한 ISO 인증
AP&C(GE 애디티브)Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI powder for aerospace$320 – $380항공우주 및 의료용 3D 프린팅에 널리 사용됨
프렉스에어 표면 기술Ti6Al4V ELI powder for metal injection molding$290 – $370Focuses on high-performance alloys for industrial applications

Factors Influencing the Price of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

가격에 영향을 미치는 요인은 여러 가지가 있습니다. Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder:

  • 입자 크기: Finer powders are generally more expensive due to the increased manufacturing complexity.
  • 순도: 고순도 분말, 특히 다음에 사용되는 고순도 분말 의료 그리고 항공우주 applications, command a premium.
  • 주문량: As with most materials, bulk purchases usually result in lower per-kilogram costs.
  • 사용자 지정 사양: Tailoring the powder for specific applications (e.g., particle size or chemical composition) can increase costs.

Comparing Advantages and Limitations of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

다른 자료와 마찬가지로, Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder 에는 강점 그리고 약점. 이를 이해하면 이 자료가 프로젝트에 적합한 선택인지 판단하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

Advantages of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

장점세부 정보
Highly BiocompatibleIdeal for medical implants due to its low interstitial content
가볍고 튼튼한Excellent strength-to-weight ratio, perfect for aerospace
내식성Performs well in harsh environments, including marine and saltwater
Fatigue ResistantGreat for applications with cyclic loading, such as prosthetics
구형 모양적층 제조를 위한 높은 유동성 및 포장 밀도 보장

Limitations of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

제한 사항세부 정보
비용More expensive than simpler alloys like stainless steel
처리 복잡성Requires advanced equipment for processes like 3D printing or injection molding
밀도While lightweight, it’s still heavier than aluminum alloys

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder

What is Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder used for?

| 답변: Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder 는 다음과 같은 산업에서 널리 사용됩니다. 의료, 항공우주, 자동차해양. Its applications include hip and knee implants, 엔진 구성 요소, 고성능 자동차 부품corrosion-resistant marine equipment.

적층 가공에서 구형이 중요한 이유는 무엇인가요?

| 답변: : The 구형 의 비율을 개선합니다. 유동성 그리고 포장 밀도와 같은 프로세스에 필수적인 3D 프린팅 그리고 금속 사출 성형. This shape ensures that the powder spreads evenly, resulting in fewer defects and better part quality.

How does Ti6Al4V ELI compare to standard Ti6Al4V?

| 답변: : The ELI (Extra Low Interstitial) version of Ti6Al4V has lower levels of interstitial elements like 산소, 질소탄소를 개선하여 연성, 피로 저항생체 적합성. 이로 인해 Ti6Al4V ELI 특히 다음과 같은 경우에 적합합니다. 의료용 임플란트 그리고 항공우주 applications where extreme reliability is required.

What factors affect the price of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder?

| 답변: 가격 Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder 는 다음과 같은 여러 요인의 영향을 받습니다. 입자 크기, 순도, 주문량사용자 지정 사양. Finer powders and those with higher purity levels tend to be more expensive due to the additional processing required.

Can Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder be used in lightweight applications?

| 답변: 예, Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder 에서 자주 사용됩니다. 경량 애플리케이션특히 항공우주 그리고 자동차 industries, where its 높은 중량 대비 강도 비율 provides significant performance advantages over heavier materials like 강철.

Conclusion: Why Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder is a Top Choice for Critical Applications

결론적으로 Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder고성능 소재 that offers an excellent combination of , 경량 properties, 생체 적합성내식성. 그것의 구형 에서 사용성을 향상시킵니다. 적층 제조low interstitial content 에 이상적입니다. 의료 그리고 항공우주 applications that demand the highest levels of reliability and durability.

비용은 Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder may be higher than other alloys, its 뛰어난 성능 in 중요 애플리케이션 justifies the investment. Whether you’re manufacturing 의료용 임플란트 또는 항공우주 부품, this alloy can provide the strength, durability, and precision you need to ensure your products perform at their best.

더 자세히 알고 싶으시면 문의해 주세요.



Metal3DP Technology Co., LTD는 중국 칭다오에 본사를 둔 적층 제조 솔루션의 선도적인 공급업체입니다. 당사는 산업용 3D 프린팅 장비 및 고성능 금속 분말을 전문으로 합니다.

문의를 통해 최적의 가격과 비즈니스에 맞는 맞춤형 솔루션을 받아보세요!

관련 기사

구형 HEA 분말: 고성능 제조 역량 강화

In the world of materials science, high-entropy alloys (HEAs) are like the superheroes of the metal world. They’re designed to withstand extreme conditions and perform in ways traditional alloys simply can’t. Among these advanced materials, AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Spherical HEA Powder is a standout. Why? Because it combines strength, durability, flexibility, and heat resistance in a single, game-changing package.

If you’re wondering what makes AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Spherical HEA Powder so special, think of it like a finely-tuned orchestra where each instrument plays a critical role. The elements—aluminum (Al), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), and nickel (Ni)—come together in a balanced composition that amplifies the material’s properties. Each of these metals brings something important to the table, like corrosion resistance, toughness, and the ability to perform under high temperatures.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Spherical HEA Powder. From its composition and unique properties to its wide range of applications, we’re going to break it all down in a way that’s easy to understand. By the end of this article, you’ll see why this revolutionary material is transforming industries such as aerospace, automotive, and energy.

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When it comes to high-carbon steel powders that combine strength, hardness, and versatility, AISI 1080 Steel Spherical Powder is a material worth exploring. This powder is widely used in industries like additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, and thermal spraying, offering exceptional performance in applications where wear resistance and durability are crucial.

But what makes AISI 1080 Steel Spherical Powder stand out? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into its properties, applications, advantages, limitations, and more. Whether you’re a materials engineer, a manufacturer, or simply curious about advanced materials, this article is your go-to resource.

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