Serbuk Paduan Bulat FeCrNiTiSi: Solusi Utama untuk Aplikasi yang Sulit

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Overview of FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder

Dalam dunia material canggih yang berkembang pesat, FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder stands out as a cutting-edge solution for industries demanding kinerja tinggi, keandalandan keserbagunaan. This revolutionary material is a composite of besi (Fe), kromium (Cr), nikel (Ni), titanium (Ti)dan silikon (Si), each element contributing unique properties to create an alloy that excels in ketahanan aus, perlindungan korosi, stabilitas suhu tinggidan kekuatan mekanik.

Apa yang membuat FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder spesial? Yang bentuk bulatyang dicapai melalui proses atomisasi tingkat lanjut, memastikan kemampuan mengalir yang sangat baik, kepadatan pengepakandan keseragamansehingga ideal untuk penyemprotan termal, manufaktur aditif (pencetakan 3D)dan metalurgi serbuk. The combination of its komposisi kimia dan bentuk positions it as a go-to material for demanding applications in industries like dirgantara, otomotif, minyak dan gasdan perkakas.

Panduan komprehensif ini akan memandu Anda melalui semua hal yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder—its composition, properties, applications, specifications, pricing, advantages, and limitations. Whether you’re an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.

What is FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder?

Pada intinya, FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder is a high-performance material that combines the strengths of iron-based alloys with the additional benefits of chromium, nickel, titanium, and silicon. Each element in this alloy contributes to its impressive properties:

  • Iron (Fe): Menyediakan tulang punggung struktural dan kekuatan mekanis.
  • Kromium (Cr): Meningkatkan ketahanan korosi dan ketahanan aus.
  • Nickel (Ni): Increases toughness, ductility, and resistance to oxidation.
  • Titanium (Ti): Contributes to hardness, lightweight strength, and resistance to deformation.
  • Silicon (Si): Improves oxidation resistance and stabilizes high-temperature performance.

The bentuk bulat of the powder is achieved through specialized atomization techniques, such as atomisasi gas atau atomisasi plasma, which result in uniform particles with smooth surfaces. This shape ensures kemampuan mengalir yang optimal, making the powder easy to handle and process in advanced manufacturing applications like Pencetakan 3D, penyemprotan termaldan laser cladding.

Composition and Properties of FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder

Perincian Komposisi Kimia

The unique performance of FeCrNiTiSi powder is derived from its carefully balanced composition. Below is a typical breakdown:

ElemenKomposisi Khas (%)Peran dalam Paduan
Besi (Fe)KeseimbanganProvides mechanical strength and structural integritas.
Kromium (Cr)10-30Improves wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
Nikel (Ni)5-15Adds toughness, ductility, and resistance to high temperatures.
Titanium (Ti)1-5Increases hardness, lightweight strength, and deformation resistance.
Silikon (Si)2–6Enhances oxidation resistance and thermal stability.
Karbon (C)≤0.2Improves strength and wear resistance.

Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Utama

Kepadatan~ 7,5-8,0 g / cm³
Titik Leleh~1350-1450 °C
Kekerasan (Pasca Fusi)~ 55-65 HRC
Kekuatan Tarik~ 800-1200 MPa
Ketahanan KorosiSuperior in harsh environments, including seawater and chemicals.
Ketahanan ausExcellent, suitable for abrasive conditions.
Kemampuan mengalir (Bentuk Bulat)Outstanding, ideal for precision applications like 3D printing.

Karakteristik Unik

  1. Ketahanan aus yang luar biasa: Thanks to chromium and titanium, FeCrNiTiSi powder offers remarkable durability in abrasive environments.
  2. Ketahanan Korosi Tinggi: Nickel and chromium ensure protection against rust and chemical attacks in harsh settings.
  3. Stabilitas Termal: Silicon and nickel improve performance at elevated temperatures, making it ideal for aerospace and industrial uses.
  4. Keuntungan Bentuk Bulat: Ensures superior flowability and consistent performance in advanced manufacturing processes.
  5. Tailorable Properties: By adjusting the composition, FeCrNiTiSi can be customized for specific applications like high-strength coatings or lightweight components.

Applications of FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder

The versatility of FeCrNiTiSi powder allows it to be used in a wide array of industries and applications:

DirgantaraHigh-temperature turbine blades, heat shields, and protective coatings.
OtomotifEngine components, transmission gears, and wear-resistant coatings.
Minyak & GasPelapis tahan korosi untuk saluran pipa, katup, dan alat pengeboran.
IndustriHardfacing, thermal spraying, and laser cladding for machinery parts.
PerkakasDurable coatings for cutting tools, molds, and dies.
Manufaktur AditifPencetakan 3D untuk komponen yang ringan dan berkekuatan tinggi.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder

Rentang Ukuran Partikel15-45 µm (pencetakan 3D), 45-150 µm (penyemprotan termal).
BentukSpherical, ensuring optimal flowability.
PengemasanWadah bersegel vakum (pilihan 1kg, 5kg, 10kg).
Kepatuhan StandarASTM B243, ISO 9001 untuk aplikasi industri dan kedirgantaraan.

Suppliers and Pricing for FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder

Nama PemasokWilayahKisaran Harga (USD/kg)Fitur Khusus
Solusi Semprotan TermalAmerika Utara$40-$60Serbuk dengan kemurnian tinggi untuk penyemprotan termal.
Bubuk Paduan GlobalEropa$45-$70ISO-certified powders for aerospace applications.
Logam Asia-PasifikAsia-Pasifik$35–$55Harga kompetitif untuk pesanan dalam jumlah besar.
Inovasi PowderTechGlobal$50-$80Serbuk premium dengan komposisi khusus.

Advantages and Limitations of FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder

Ketahanan korosi dan keausan yang unggul.Biaya lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan paduan tradisional.
Kemampuan mengalir yang sangat baik karena bentuknya yang bulat.Memerlukan peralatan khusus untuk aplikasi.
Stabilitas termal yang tinggi untuk lingkungan yang ekstrem.Limited machinability after fusing or spraying.
Versatile applications across multiple industries.Not suitable for ultra-lightweight requirements.

FAQs About FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder

What is FeCrNiTiSi powder used for?It’s used for wear-resistant coatings, additive manufacturing, and high-temperature applications.
Mengapa berbentuk bulat?Bentuk bulat meningkatkan kemampuan mengalir dan densitas kemasan untuk manufaktur tingkat lanjut.
Apakah tahan korosi?Yes, it offers excellent corrosion resistance due to its chromium and nickel content.
Dapatkah ini digunakan dalam pencetakan 3D?Absolutely, its spherical shape and particle size make it ideal for additive manufacturing.
Di mana saya bisa membelinya?Pemasok seperti Thermal Spray Solutions dan PowderTech Innovations menawarkannya secara global.


FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder is a high-performance material designed to meet the demands of industries requiring daya tahan, ketahanan korosidan stabilitas termal. Ini komposisi yang unik dan bentuk bulat make it a standout choice for applications ranging from komponen kedirgantaraan untuk pelapis industri. Whether you’re looking to enhance your 3D printing projects atau membuat permukaan yang tahan aus, this alloy powder delivers unmatched performance.

Ready to take your manufacturing processes to the next level? With its keserbagunaan, kekuatandan keandalan, FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder adalah material masa depan.

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Metal3DP Technology Co, LTD adalah penyedia terkemuka solusi manufaktur aditif yang berkantor pusat di Qingdao, Cina. Perusahaan kami mengkhususkan diri dalam peralatan pencetakan 3D dan bubuk logam berkinerja tinggi untuk aplikasi industri.

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