FeCrNiTiSi 구형 합금 분말: 까다로운 응용 분야를 위한 궁극의 솔루션


FeCrNiTiSi 구형 합금 분말 개요

빠르게 진화하는 첨단 소재의 세계에서, FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder stands out as a cutting-edge solution for industries demanding 고성능, 신뢰성다용도성. This revolutionary material is a composite of 철(Fe), 크롬(Cr), 니켈(Ni), 티타늄(Ti)실리콘(Si), each element contributing unique properties to create an alloy that excels in 내마모성, 부식 방지, 고온 안정성기계적 강도.

만드는 이유 FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder 특별한가요? 그것의 구형고급 분무 공정을 통해 달성한 이 제품은 다음을 보장합니다. 뛰어난 유동성, 포장 밀도균일성에 이상적입니다. 열 분무, 적층 제조(3D 프린팅)분말 야금. The combination of its 화학 성분 그리고 모양 positions it as a go-to material for demanding applications in industries like 항공우주, 자동차, 석유 및 가스툴링.

이 종합 가이드는 다음과 같은 사항에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것을 안내합니다. FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder—its composition, properties, applications, specifications, pricing, advantages, and limitations. Whether you’re an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.

구형 합금 분말이란 무엇인가요?

핵심입니다, FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder is a high-performance material that combines the strengths of iron-based alloys with the additional benefits of chromium, nickel, titanium, and silicon. Each element in this alloy contributes to its impressive properties:

  • Iron (Fe): 구조적 중추와 기계적 강도를 제공합니다.
  • 크롬(Cr): 내식성과 내마모성을 향상시킵니다.
  • Nickel (Ni): Increases toughness, ductility, and resistance to oxidation.
  • Titanium (Ti): Contributes to hardness, lightweight strength, and resistance to deformation.
  • Silicon (Si): Improves oxidation resistance and stabilizes high-temperature performance.

그리고 구형 of the powder is achieved through specialized atomization techniques, such as 가스 분무 또는 플라즈마 원자화, which result in uniform particles with smooth surfaces. This shape ensures 최적의 유동성, making the powder easy to handle and process in advanced manufacturing applications like 3D 프린팅, 열 분무레이저 클래딩.

구형 합금 분말의 구성 및 특성 FeCrNiTiSi

화학 성분 분석

The unique performance of FeCrNiTiSi powder is derived from its carefully balanced composition. Below is a typical breakdown:

요소일반적인 구성(%)합금에서의 역할
철(Fe)잔액Provides mechanical strength and structural 무결성.
크롬(Cr)10-30Improves wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
니켈(Ni)5-15Adds toughness, ductility, and resistance to high temperatures.
티타늄(Ti)1-5Increases hardness, lightweight strength, and deformation resistance.
실리콘(Si)2–6Enhances oxidation resistance and thermal stability.
탄소(C)≤0.2Improves strength and wear resistance.

주요 물리적 및 기계적 특성

융점~1350-1450 °C
경도(퓨전 후)~55-65 HRC
인장 강도~800-1200 MPa
내식성Superior in harsh environments, including seawater and chemicals.
내마모성Excellent, suitable for abrasive conditions.
유동성(구형)Outstanding, ideal for precision applications like 3D printing.

고유한 특성

  1. 탁월한 내마모성: Thanks to chromium and titanium, FeCrNiTiSi powder offers remarkable durability in abrasive environments.
  2. 높은 내식성: Nickel and chromium ensure protection against rust and chemical attacks in harsh settings.
  3. 열 안정성: Silicon and nickel improve performance at elevated temperatures, making it ideal for aerospace and industrial uses.
  4. 구형의 이점: Ensures superior flowability and consistent performance in advanced manufacturing processes.
  5. Tailorable Properties: By adjusting the composition, FeCrNiTiSi can be customized for specific applications like high-strength coatings or lightweight components.

FeCrNiTiSi 구형 합금 분말의 응용 분야

The versatility of FeCrNiTiSi powder allows it to be used in a wide array of industries and applications:

항공우주High-temperature turbine blades, heat shields, and protective coatings.
자동차Engine components, transmission gears, and wear-resistant coatings.
석유 및 가스파이프라인, 밸브 및 드릴링 공구를 위한 부식 방지 코팅.
산업Hardfacing, thermal spraying, and laser cladding for machinery parts.
툴링Durable coatings for cutting tools, molds, and dies.
적층 제조경량, 고강도 부품의 3D 프린팅.

구형 합금 분말의 사양, 크기 및 표준(FeCrNiTiSi)

사양세부 정보
입자 크기 범위15-45 µm(3D 프린팅), 45-150 µm(열 분무).
모양Spherical, ensuring optimal flowability.
패키징진공 밀폐 용기(1kg, 5kg, 10kg 옵션).
표준 규정 준수산업 및 항공우주 애플리케이션을 위한 ASTM B243, ISO 9001.

FeCrNiTiSi 구형 합금 분말의 공급업체 및 가격

공급업체 이름지역가격 범위(USD/kg)특별 기능
열분사 솔루션북미$40-$60열 분무용 고순도 분말.
글로벌 합금 분말유럽$45-$70ISO-certified powders for aerospace applications.
아시아 태평양 금속아시아 태평양$35–$55대량 주문에 대한 경쟁력 있는 가격.
파우더테크 혁신글로벌$50-$80맞춤형 구성의 프리미엄 파우더.

FeCrNiTiSi 구형 합금 분말의 장점과 한계

장점제한 사항
뛰어난 내식성 및 내마모성.기존 합금에 비해 높은 비용.
구형이라 유동성이 뛰어납니다.적용하려면 특수 장비가 필요합니다.
극한 환경을 위한 높은 열 안정성.Limited machinability after fusing or spraying.
Versatile applications across multiple industries.Not suitable for ultra-lightweight requirements.

FeCrNiTiSi 구형 합금 분말에 대한 FAQ

What is FeCrNiTiSi powder used for?It’s used for wear-resistant coatings, additive manufacturing, and high-temperature applications.
왜 구형인가요?구형은 고급 제조를 위해 유동성과 포장 밀도를 향상시킵니다.
부식에 강하나요?Yes, it offers excellent corrosion resistance due to its chromium and nickel content.
3D 프린팅에 사용할 수 있나요?Absolutely, its spherical shape and particle size make it ideal for additive manufacturing.
어디서 구매할 수 있나요?열분사 솔루션 및 파우더테크 이노베이션과 같은 공급업체는 전 세계적으로 이를 제공합니다.


FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder is a high-performance material designed to meet the demands of industries requiring 내구성, 내식성열 안정성. 그것의 독특한 구성 그리고 구형 make it a standout choice for applications ranging from 항공우주 부품산업용 코팅. Whether you’re looking to enhance your 3D printing projects 또는 내마모성 표면, this alloy powder delivers unmatched performance.

Ready to take your manufacturing processes to the next level? With its 다용도성, 신뢰성, FeCrNiTiSi Spherical Alloy Powder 는 미래의 소재입니다.

더 자세히 알고 싶으시면 문의해 주세요.



Metal3DP Technology Co., LTD는 중국 칭다오에 본사를 둔 적층 제조 솔루션의 선도적인 공급업체입니다. 당사는 산업용 3D 프린팅 장비 및 고성능 금속 분말을 전문으로 합니다.

문의를 통해 최적의 가격과 비즈니스에 맞는 맞춤형 솔루션을 받아보세요!

관련 기사

Why Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder is the Best Choice for Critical Applications

When it comes to high-performance materials in industries like aerospace, medical, and additive manufacturing, few alloys can rival the versatility and strength of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder. This specialized form of titanium alloy powder brings together the benefits of titanium, aluminum, and vanadium to create a material that is not only lightweight but also exceptionally strong and corrosion-resistant. The added designation ELI (Extra Low Interstitial) means it is particularly suited for applications demanding the highest levels of biocompatibility and fatigue strength.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder—from its composition and key properties to its applications and pricing. Whether you’re an engineer sourcing materials for a new product or just curious about advanced alloys, this article will provide a deep dive into the world of Spherical Ti6Al4V ELI Powder.

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구형 HEA 분말: 고성능 제조 역량 강화

In the world of materials science, high-entropy alloys (HEAs) are like the superheroes of the metal world. They’re designed to withstand extreme conditions and perform in ways traditional alloys simply can’t. Among these advanced materials, AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Spherical HEA Powder is a standout. Why? Because it combines strength, durability, flexibility, and heat resistance in a single, game-changing package.

If you’re wondering what makes AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Spherical HEA Powder so special, think of it like a finely-tuned orchestra where each instrument plays a critical role. The elements—aluminum (Al), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), and nickel (Ni)—come together in a balanced composition that amplifies the material’s properties. Each of these metals brings something important to the table, like corrosion resistance, toughness, and the ability to perform under high temperatures.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Spherical HEA Powder. From its composition and unique properties to its wide range of applications, we’re going to break it all down in a way that’s easy to understand. By the end of this article, you’ll see why this revolutionary material is transforming industries such as aerospace, automotive, and energy.

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