T15 Bubuk

Serbuk T15 adalah serbuk karbida tungsten karbida-kobalt yang disemen yang memberikan kombinasi luar biasa dari kekerasan, kekuatan, dan ketangguhan. Serbuk ini mengandung persentase tungsten karbida yang tinggi bersama dengan kobalt 15% sebagai fase pengikat.

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Stok yang memadai

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Kepuasan Pelanggan

Menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi dengan mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan.

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Daftar Isi

Overview of T15 Powder

Serbuk T15 adalah serbuk karbida tungsten karbida-kobalt yang disemen yang memberikan kombinasi luar biasa dari kekerasan, kekuatan, dan ketangguhan. Serbuk ini mengandung persentase tungsten karbida yang tinggi bersama dengan kobalt 15% sebagai fase pengikat.

Key properties and advantages of T15 powder:

T15 Powder Properties and Characteristics

Properti Detail
Komposisi 85% WC with 15% Co binder
Kepadatan 13.0-14.5 g/cc
Bentuk partikel Rounded, multi-faceted
Kisaran ukuran 0.5-15 microns
Kekerasan 88-93 HRA when sintered
Kekuatan pecah melintang 550-650 MPa

The ultrahard tungsten carbide particles held together in a cobalt matrix make T15 ideal for the most extreme wear and abrasion conditions across industrial, mining, and construction sectors.

T15 Powder Composition

Typical composition of T15 cemented carbide powder:

T15 Powder Composition

Komponen Berat %
Tungsten carbide (WC) 84-86%
Kobalt (Co) 14-16%
Karbon (C) 0.8% max
Oksigen (O) 0,5% maks
Besi (Fe) 0,3% maks
Nikel (Ni) 0,3% maks
  • Tungsten carbide provides extreme hardness and wear resistance
  • Cobalt acts as tough and ductile binder holding WC particles together
  • Carbon and oxygen present as impurities
  • Trace iron, nickel from raw materials

The optimized WC-Co ratio provides the best combination of hardness, fracture toughness and impact strength needed in wearing applications.

T15 Powder Physical Properties

T15 Powder Physical Properties

Properti Nilai-nilai
Kepadatan 13.0-14.5 g/cc
Titik leleh 2870°C (WC) and 1495°C (Co)
Konduktivitas termal 60-100 W/mK
Resistivitas listrik 25-35 μΩ-cm
Koefisien ekspansi termal 4.5-6.0 x 10^-6 /K
Suhu layanan maksimum 500°C in air
  • Very high density enables use in compact, miniaturized components
  • Very low CTE reduces thermal stresses and distortion
  • Can withstand continuous service up to 500°C
  • Good thermal conductivity reduces temperature gradients

These properties make T15 suited for severe abrasion and repeated impact force conditions experienced in mining, drilling, and construction environments.

T15 Powder Mechanical Properties

T15 Powder Mechanical Properties

Properti Nilai-nilai
Kekerasan 88-93 HRA
Kekuatan pecah melintang 550-650 MPa
Kekuatan tekan 5500-6200 MPa
Ketangguhan patah tulang 10-12 MPa.m^1/2
Modulus Young 550-650 GPa
Kekuatan benturan 350-900 kJ/m2
  • Extreme hardness provides wear and abrasion resistance
  • Very high compressive strength withstands crushing forces
  • Reasonable fracture toughness and impact strength
  • Hardness and strength determined by WC particle size and distribution

This exceptional combination of hardness, strength and toughness makes T15 suitable for the most severe impaction, abrasion and gouging wear conditions.

T15 Powder Applications

Typical applications of T15 tungsten carbide-cobalt powder include:

T15 Powder Applications

Industri Contoh Penggunaan
Pertambangan Rock drill bits, grit blasting nozzles
Konstruksi Demolition tools, rock crushers
Manufaktur Forming dies, metal drawing parts
Minyak dan gas Stabilizers, downhole motors
Umum Cutting and machining tools

Beberapa penggunaan produk tertentu:

  • Percussive rock drilling bits, mine boring tools
  • Highly abrasive slurry pump parts like shafts, impellers
  • Extrusion dies for brick and ceramic manufacturing
  • Wear-resistant components in sandblasting equipment
  • Cutting blades, knives, saw teeth needing extreme hardness

T15’s unparalleled hardness and wear performance make it the top choice for equipment used in the most severe impaction-abrasion conditions across industrial sectors.

T15 Powder Specifications

Key specifications for T15 cemented carbide powder:

T15 Powder Standards

Standar Deskripsi
ISO 513 Classification and application of cemented carbides
ASTM B276 Cobalt-tungsten carbide powders and hard metals
JIS G 4053 Sintered hard metals
GB/T 4661-2006 Chinese standard for cemented carbides

Ini menentukan:

  • Chemical composition – Co and WC content
  • Carbide grain size and powder particle size distribution
  • Sifat mekanik yang dibutuhkan
  • Acceptable impurities
  • Approved production methods like carburization and reduction-diffusion

Meeting these specifications ensures optimal combination of hardness, strength and toughness for maximum wear performance.

T15 Powder Particle Sizes

T15 Powder Particle Size Distribution

Ukuran Partikel Karakteristik
0.5-2 microns Ultrafine grade provides superfinish
0.5-5 microns Submicron range enhances toughness
3-15 microns Most commonly used size for optimal properties
  • Finer powders increase hardness and finish
  • Coarser powders improve fracture strength and impact resistance
  • Particle size distribution is optimized based on service conditions
  • Both crushed and sintered carbide powders used

Controlling particle size distribution and morphology optimizes final component properties and performance.

T15 Powder Production Method

T15 Powder Production

Metode Detail
Carburization and reduction-diffusion Produces fine spherical powders
Crushing sintered material Lower cost, irregular angular particles
Penggilingan Ball milling used for particle size reduction
Spray drying Granulation and spheroidization process
Degassing Removes gaseous impurities
  • Spherical powder morphology provides high packing density
  • Crushed powders have lower production cost
  • Milling, spray drying used for particle size control
  • Degassing optimizes powder purity and sintered microstructure

Automated, high volume production processes result in consistent feedstock optimized for part performance.

T15 Powder Pricing

T15 Powder Pricing

Faktor Dampak pada Harga
Kelas bubuk Tingkat kemurnian yang lebih tinggi lebih mahal
Ukuran partikel Bubuk ultrafine lebih mahal
Jumlah pesanan Harga menurun dengan volume yang lebih besar
Metode produksi Complex methods increase cost
Pengemasan Special bags or cans increase cost

Harga Indikatif

  • T15 spherical powder: $45-60 per kg
  • T15 crushed powder: $35-45 per kg
  • Large volume pricing can be 20-30% lower

Pricing depends on powder characteristics, production method, order size, packaging and lead time.

T15 Powder Suppliers

T15 Powder Suppliers

Perusahaan Lokasi
Sandvik Swedia
H.C. Starck Jerman
Bahan Baru Jingdong Cina
Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Group Cina
Toshiba Materials Jepang

Selection factors:

  • Powder grades and particle morphologies
  • Kapasitas produksi dan waktu tunggu
  • Keahlian teknis dan layanan pelanggan
  • Sampling, testing and quality control procedures
  • Pricing levels and payment terms
  • Compliance with international material standards

T15 Powder Handling and Storage

T15 Powder Handling

Rekomendasi Alasan
Gunakan APD dan ventilasi Mencegah paparan terhadap partikel halus
Hindari sumber penyalaan Powder can combust if overheated in air
Ikuti protokol yang aman Mengurangi bahaya kesehatan dan kebakaran
Use inert atmosphere Prevent oxidation during powder processing
Menyimpan wadah tertutup Prevent contamination or absorption

Rekomendasi Penyimpanan

  • Store in stable containers and ambient temperatures
  • Limit exposure to moisture, acids, chlorine
  • Avoid cross-contamination from other powders

Proper precautions preserve powder purity and prevent safety issues during handling and storage.

T15 Powder Inspection and Testing

T15 Powder Testing

Tes Detail
Analisis kimia Verifies composition using ICP, EDX, or XRF
Distribusi ukuran partikel Laser diffraction or sedimentation analysis
Morfologi bubuk Pencitraan SEM dari bentuk partikel
Kepadatan yang tampak Diukur sesuai standar ASTM B212
Kerapatan ketukan Kepadatan diukur setelah penyadapan mekanis
Laju aliran aula Determines powder flowability

Testing ensures powder meets required chemical composition, particle characteristics, morphology, density specifications, and flowability per relevant standards.

T15 Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of T15 Powder

  • Exceptional hardness, wear resistance, and strength
  • Withstands high compression without fracturing
  • Good fracture toughness and impact resistance
  • Dimensional stability under heavy loads
  • Resists deformation at elevated temperatures
  • Enables smaller, lighter components

Limitations of T15 Powder

  • Sulit untuk mesin setelah sintering
  • Not suitable for dynamic bearing applications
  • Relatively brittle behavior
  • Oxidation at high temperatures without resistance coatings
  • Higher raw material costs than steel powders
  • Requires specialized experience for optimal use

Comparison With Tungsten Carbide-Titanium Carbide-Tantalum Carbide

T15 vs WC-TiC-TaC

Parameter T15 WC-TiC-TaC
Kekerasan 88-93 HRA 92-96 HRA
Ketangguhan patah tulang 10-12 MPa.m^1/2 8-9 MPa.m^1/2
Kekuatan Sangat tinggi Extremely high
Biaya Sedang Sangat tinggi
Ketahanan korosi Adil Luar biasa
Aplikasi General wear parts Extreme abrasion and corrosion
  • WC-TiC-TaC has slightly higher hardness and strength
  • T15 provides significantly better fracture toughness
  • WC-TiC-TaC offers excellent corrosion resistance
  • T15 is more cost effective
  • WC-TiC-TaC for more critical, expensive applications

T15 Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of T15 tungsten carbide cobalt powder?

A: Main applications include mining tools like drill bits, rock crushers, and dredging equipment; construction tools like demolition and pulverizing equipment; dies, drawing parts, extrusion tooling; abrasion resistant components; and general cutting and machining tools.

Q: Why is cobalt used as the binder in tungsten carbide grades?

A: Cobalt provides good corrosion resistance, high strength and toughness, and facilitates liquid phase sintering of the tungsten carbide particles during densification to achieve full density and optimal properties.

Q: What heat treatment is used for T15 tungsten carbide cobalt parts?

A: T15 does not require post-sintering heat treatment. The liquid phase sintering process allows achieving full density and the desired properties during powder consolidation itself.

Q: How is T15 tungsten carbide cobalt powder produced?

A: Main production methods include carburization and reduction-diffusion to make spherical powders or crushing and milling sintered tungsten carbide material into irregular particles. These powders are then blended with cobalt powder in the desired ratio.