Bubuk CuSn10

Serbuk CuSn10 adalah paduan tembaga-timah yang mengandung sekitar 10% timah dan sisanya tembaga. Paduan ini menawarkan kombinasi yang sangat baik antara kekuatan, keuletan, ketahanan korosi, ketahanan aus, dan sifat anti gesekan.

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Kepuasan Pelanggan

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Daftar Isi

Overview of CuSn10 Powder

Serbuk CuSn10 adalah paduan tembaga-timah yang mengandung sekitar 10% timah dan sisanya tembaga. Paduan ini menawarkan kombinasi yang sangat baik antara kekuatan, keuletan, ketahanan korosi, ketahanan aus, dan sifat anti gesekan.

Key properties and applications of CuSn10 powder include:

CuSn10 Powder Properties and Characteristics

Properti Detail
Komposisi 90% copper, 10% tin
Kepadatan 8,8 g/cc
Bentuk partikel Tidak teratur, bersudut
Kisaran ukuran 5-150 mikron
Kepadatan yang tampak Kepadatan sebenarnya hingga 50%
Kemampuan mengalir Sedang
Kekuatan Excellent for Cu alloy powder
Daktilitas Bagus.
Ketahanan korosi Sangat bagus

CuSn10 is widely used in bearing cages, bushings, welding rods, and wear parts across the automotive, electrical, and industrial sectors.

CuSn10 Powder Composition

Typical composition of CuSn10 powder:

CuSn10 Powder Composition

Elemen Berat %
Tembaga (Cu) Sisa
Timah (Sn) 9-11%
Timbal (Pb) 0.2% max
Seng (Zn) 0,5% maks
Kotoran lainnya 0,1% maks
  • Copper provides excellent conductivity, corrosion resistance, ductility
  • Tin improves strength, hardness, and wear resistance
  • Lead, zinc, and other impurities carefully controlled

The optimized Cu-Sn ratio provides an excellent combination of strength, ductility, and manufacturability.


CuSn10 Powder Physical Properties

CuSn10 Powder Physical Properties

Properti Nilai
Kepadatan 8,8 g/cc
Titik leleh 1020-1040°C
Konduktivitas termal 55 W/mK
Resistivitas listrik 7-9 μΩ-cm
Suhu rekristalisasi 150-250°C
Suhu layanan maksimum 250°C
  • Density is higher than copper
  • Melting point reduced compared to pure copper
  • Maintains good conductivity
  • Recrystallization enables powder compaction
  • Dapat menahan suhu pengoperasian yang cukup tinggi

The physical properties allow use of CuSn10 in electrical components needing good conductivity and strength.

CuSn10 Powder Mechanical Properties

CuSn10 Powder Mechanical Properties

Properti Nilai-nilai
Kekerasan 80-110 HB
Kekuatan tarik 350-550 MPa
Kekuatan luluh 220-320 MPa
Perpanjangan 10-20%
Modulus elastisitas 110-140 GPa
  • Excellent strength for a copper alloy powder
  • Significantly higher than pure copper powder
  • Good ductility for 10% tin composition
  • Hardness values suitable for wear applications
  • Properties depend on production method and porosity

The mechanical properties allow use of CuSn10 powder in high strength electrical and friction components.

CuSn10 Powder Applications

Typical applications of CuSn10 powder include:

CuSn10 Powder Applications

Industri Contoh Aplikasi
Otomotif Bearings, bushings, brake linings
Electrical Welding electrodes, connectors, contacts
Industri Bearing cages, seals, impellers
Manufaktur Sintered tooling components
Minyak dan gas Bushings, ball valves

Beberapa penggunaan produk tertentu:

  • Bearing cages requiring antifriction properties
  • Bushing and thrust washers in high load applications
  • Automotive brake pads and clutch linings
  • Electrical connectors and pins
  • Welding rods and solder paste filler metal
  • Piping components like valves and flanges

Its excellent combination of strength, ductility, and cost make CuSn10 a popular choice for these applications.

CuSn10 Powder Specifications

The main specifications for CuSn10 powder include:

CuSn10 Powder Specifications

Standar Deskripsi
ISO 44001 Copper and copper alloy powders – Specifications
ASTM B602 Standard specification for copper alloy powders
EN 1982 Specification for copper and copper alloys ingots and castings
JIS H2111 Bronze powders

Ini menentukan:

  • Batas komposisi kimia
  • Production method – atomization
  • Required physical and mechanical properties
  • Tingkat pengotor yang dapat diterima
  • Distribusi ukuran partikel
  • Testing protocols

Compliance ensures suitability for intended applications across global markets.

CuSn10 Powder Particle Sizes

CuSn10 Powder Particle Size Distribution

Ukuran Partikel Karakteristik
5-25 mikron Kelas ultrafine untuk kepadatan dan permukaan akhir yang tinggi
15-45 mikron Common size for pressing and sintering
45-150 mikron Larger sizes for better powder flowability
  • Finer particles allow greater densification
  • Larger particles improve powder flow properties
  • Ukuran dipilih berdasarkan properti bagian akhir yang dibutuhkan
  • Both spherical and irregular shapes are available

Controlling particle size distribution optimizes pressing characteristics and final sintered density.

CuSn10 Powder Apparent Density

CuSn10 Powder Apparent Density

Kepadatan yang tampak Detail
Kepadatan sebenarnya hingga 50% For irregular morphology powder
4.5-6.5 g/cc Meningkat dengan kepadatan kemasan yang lebih besar
  • Kepadatan semu yang lebih tinggi meningkatkan aliran bubuk dan kekompakan
  • Density up to 60% is possible with optimized spherical powder
  • High apparent density enables easier compaction into green parts

Kepadatan semu yang lebih tinggi menghasilkan produktivitas manufaktur dan kualitas komponen yang lebih baik.

CuSn10 Powder Production Method

CuSn10 Powder Production

Metode Detail
Atomisasi Melted alloy stream broken into fine droplets which solidify into powder
Induction melting Pure copper and tin melted together under controlled atmosphere
Inert gas atomization Prevent oxidation of particles during production
Pengayakan Mengklasifikasikan bubuk ke dalam rentang ukuran partikel yang berbeda
  • Automated atomization enables large scale production
  • Controlled melting and atomization minimizes impurities
  • Inert gas prevents powder oxidation
  • Pasca-pemrosesan memungkinkan penyesuaian ukuran partikel

Strict process controls result in reliable powder quality and repeatable characteristics.

CuSn10 Powder Pricing

CuSn10 Powder Pricing

Faktor Dampak pada Harga
Tingkat kemurnian Higher purity increases price
Ukuran partikel Finer powder is more expensive
Jumlah pesanan Bulk pricing discounts apply
Metode produksi Complex processes increase cost
Layanan tambahan Kustomisasi menambah biaya

Harga Indikatif

  • CuSn10 powder: $8-12 per kg
  • Lower prices applicable for bulk orders >1000 kg

Pricing varies based on order parameters like quantity, particle size, purity level, alloy composition etc.

CuSn10 Powder Suppliers

CuSn10 Powder Suppliers

Perusahaan Lokasi
Kymera International AMERIKA SERIKAT
Hoganas Swedia
Kelompok Bubuk CNPC Cina
Bahan Bubuk CNPC Shanghai Cina
Gujarat Reclaim Industries India
American Chemet Corporation AMERIKA SERIKAT

Faktor-faktor pemilihan pemasok:

  • Powder sizes and lead time
  • Customization capability
  • Kapasitas produksi
  • Packaging options
  • Pricing levels
  • Quality certifications and compliance

CuSn10 Powder Handling and Storage

CuSn10 Powder Handling

Rekomendasi Alasan
Hindari penghirupan Potensi iritasi pernapasan
Use protective mask and goggles Mencegah konsumsi yang tidak disengaja
Pastikan ventilasi yang memadai Mengurangi partikel di udara
Hindari sumber penyalaan Bahaya debu yang mudah terbakar
Ikuti prosedur anti-statis Mencegah kebakaran akibat pelepasan muatan listrik statis
Gunakan alat yang tidak menimbulkan percikan api Avoids sparks during handling
Simpan wadah tertutup di tempat yang sejuk dan kering Mencegah oksidasi dan penyerapan kelembapan

Rekomendasi Penyimpanan

  • Store in stable, inert containers
  • Keep away from acids, ammonia, acetylene
  • Pertahankan suhu di bawah 27°C

Proper handling and storage preserves powder purity and prevents reaction hazards.

CuSn10 Powder Inspection and Testing

CuSn10 Powder Testing

Tes Detail
Analisis kimia ICP and XRF to verify composition
Distribusi ukuran partikel Sieve analysis or laser diffraction
Kepadatan yang tampak Uji flowmeter hall per ASTM B212
Morfologi bubuk Pencitraan SEM dari bentuk partikel
Kerapatan ketukan Kepadatan diukur setelah penyadapan mekanis
Analisis laju aliran Laju aliran gravitasi melalui nosel yang ditentukan

Stringent testing ensures the powder meets the chemical composition, physical properties, and microstructure required for the application.

CuSn10 Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of CuSn10 Powder

  • Excellent strength for a copper alloy powder
  • Keuletan dan kemampuan bentuk yang baik
  • Ketahanan korosi yang sangat baik
  • Cost-effective compared to bronze grades
  • Konduktivitas listrik dan termal yang baik
  • Dapat didaur ulang dan ramah lingkungan

Disadvantages of CuSn10 Powder

  • Lower conductivity than pure copper powder
  • Moderate high temperature strength
  • Heavy compared to aluminum or magnesium alloys
  • Not suitable for highly stressed structural components
  • Surface discoloration over time if uncoated
  • Limitations for food contact applications

Comparison With CuNi10 Powder

CuSn10 vs CuNi10 Powder

Parameter CuSn10 CuNi10
Kepadatan 8,8 g/cc 8.9 g/cc
Kekuatan 350-550 MPa 500-650 MPa
Konduktivitas 55 W/mK 20 W/mK
Ketahanan korosi Luar biasa Sangat baik
Biaya Rendah Tinggi
Penggunaan Electrical, moderate load High strength structures
  • CuSn10 provides better conductivity and cost
  • CuNi10 has higher tensile strength
  • CuSn10 preferred for electrical components
  • CuNi10 suited for high strength structural parts

CuSn10 Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of CuSn10 powder?

A: Main applications include bearing cages, bushings, welding rods, brake linings, antifriction components, and electrical contacts, connectors and brushes. It is commonly used in automotive and electrical products.

Q: Does CuSn10 powder require special handling precautions?

A: General precautions are recommended including avoiding inhalation, ensuring proper ventilation, controlling dust, preventing ignition sources, avoiding static charge buildup, using non-sparking tools, and storing in a dry, inert atmosphere.

Q: What affects the properties of CuSn10 powder parts?

A: Key factors are apparent density, particle size distribution, compaction pressure, sintering temperature and time, alloy composition, impurities, and porosity.

Q: What is the key difference between bronze and CuSn10 powders?

A: Bronze powders contain 90-95% copper while CuSn10 has 90% copper, 10% tin. CuSn10 provides an optimal combination of strength, ductility and cost.