Metallzerstäubungssysteme Spezifikationen


Metal atomization is a process used to produce fine metal powders for various applications. It involves melting metal and then breaking it into fine droplets using gas or centrifugal force. The droplets rapidly solidify into powder particles. Metal atomization systems are the equipment used to carry out this process efficiently on an industrial scale.

Overview of Metal Atomization Systems

Metal atomization systems consist of a metal melting unit, an atomization mechanism, and a powder collection system. The main components are:

Metal Melting Unit

  • Melting crucible
  • Induction coils or electrodes
  • Temperature sensors
  • Inert gas sealing

Atomization Mechanism

  • Nozzles for gas atomization
  • Rotating disk or cup for centrifugal atomization

Powder Collection System

  • Cyclone separators
  • Bag house filters
  • Scrubbers and condensers

The metal charge is first melted in the crucible using induction heating or electrical resistance heating. The molten metal is then guided into the atomization section.

In gas atomization, high pressure gas jets hit the metal stream and break it up into fine droplets. In centrifugal atomization, the molten metal is poured on a spinning disk/cup that ejects it radially into droplets due to centrifugal force.

The droplets solidify rapidly as they fall through the cooling chamber due to the high surface area to volume ratio. The inert gas prevents oxidation. The solidified powder particles are collected in the separators, filters and condensers.


Arten von Metallzerstäubungsanlagen

There are two main types of atomization mechanisms used:


  • Uses high pressure inert gas jets
  • Can make finer powders down to 10 microns
  • Nitrogen, argon used as atomizing gases

Zentrifugale Zerstäubung

  • Uses rotating cup or disk
  • Makes coarser powders over 20 microns
  • Simple design, no gas handling needed

Vacuum Atomization

  • Carried out under vacuum instead of inert gas
  • Reduces gas absorption by powders


  • Uses ultrasonic vibrations to make droplets
  • For research scale production

Electrostatic Atomization

  • Uses electric field to disintegrate metal stream
  • Experimental technique

Metallzerstäubung Systementwurf

The major components of a typical gas atomization system are:

Table 1: Gas Atomization System Design

SchmelzeinheitInduction melting crucible, capacity 50-2000 kg
Nozzle AssemblyMultiple close-coupled nozzles, 2-5 mm diameter
Melt SuperheatingNitrogen/argon injected to superheat melt
ZerstäubungskammerWater-cooled, 3-5 m height
GasversorgungNitrogen/Argon, 50-100 bar pressure
Cyclone SeparatorsMultiple cyclones in series for powder collection
Final FiltersBaghouse, cartridge filters

The nozzle design and number is important for achieving the desired fine powder particle size distribution. The height of the atomization chamber allows time for the droplets to solidify before collection.

High grade industrial gases like nitrogen or argon are supplied from compressed gas cylinders or on-site generators. Their pressure and flowrate determines the droplet size.

Metal Atomization System Specifications

Typical specifications for industrial scale gas atomization systems are:

Table 2: Metal Atomization System Specifications

Produktionskapazität10 kg/hr to 5000 kg/hr
Partikelgröße10 - 150 Mikrometer
Metal TypesNickel, iron, cobalt, copper alloys
Melting Temperature1600 °C max
Gas Pressure10 – 100 bar
Abkühlungsrate104 – 106 K/s
DüsendesignAnnular slit, discrete jet
ZerstäubungsgasStickstoff, Argon

The capacity depends on the crucible size and varies from lab/pilot scale 10 kg/hr to large scale 5000 kg/hr systems. Mostly nickel, iron, and cobalt alloys are atomized but other metals like aluminum, copper alloys are also processed.

High gas pressure and fast cooling rates ensure fine microscopic powder particles in the 10-150 micron size range. Powders with 99.5% purity can be obtained.

Metal Atomizer System Applications

Some major applications of metal powder produced from atomization include:

Table 3: Metal Powder Applications

Luft- und RaumfahrtTurbine blades, discs
AutomobilindustrieSintered parts, filters
ElektronikChip resistors, conductors
Additive Fertigung3D-Druck-Pulver
ChemischCatalysts, pigments
BiomedizinischeImplants, prosthetics

In the aerospace industry, nickel and titanium alloy powders are used to produce turbine blades and discs with complex shapes by powder metallurgy. Automotive industry uses atomized iron and steel powders for sintered parts like gears.

Fine copper and silver powders serve as conductors and resistors in microelectronics applications. Metal powders are the feedstock for additive manufacturing methods like 3D printing.

Special alloy powders finds use as chemical catalysts and pigments. Porous stainless steel powder is used for orthopedic bone implants in the biomedical field.

Advantages of Metal Atomization Systems

Some benefits of using metal atomization for powder production:

Table 4: Advantages of Metal Atomization

Finer powdersMicrometer to nanometer sizes
Narrow size distributionPrecise control over particle size
Hohe ReinheitAvoid contamination from milling
Niedrigere KostenCheaper than mechanical grinding
Composition controlAlloying possible in melt
Spherical particlesGute Fließfähigkeit
VersatileWide range of alloys atomized

Gas and centrifugal atomization can produce finer metal powders down to 10 microns compared to mechanical milling. The particle size distribution is narrower giving better control.

Since no grinding media is involved, the powder purity is higher. The capital and operating costs are lower than mechanical milling.

Alloying elements can be added in the crucible allowing flexibility in powder composition. Spherical powder particles provide good flowability important for die filling.

Almost any alloy from nitinol to inconel can be atomized with proper control over process parameters.

Limitations of Metal Atomization

Some drawbacks of metal atomization systems are:

Table 5: Limitations of Metal Atomization

Hoher SchmelzpunktLimited to lower melting metals
Reaktive MetalleDifficult to atomize reactive metals like titanium, aluminum
Gas pickupAbsorbed gases affect powder quality
Satellite particlesSome larger irregular particles formed
Hohe KapitalkostenMajor investment needed for large system

Metals with very high melting points over 1800°C like tungsten, molybdenum are difficult to atomize due to crucible limitations. Reactive metals like titanium, aluminum require vacuum or inert atmosphere.

Gases absorbed during atomization process affect powder characteristics. Some irregular shaped satellite particles are also formed during atomization along with spherical particles.

Large scale metal atomization systems require major capital investment of over $2 million. Operational costs are also relatively high.

Suppliers of Metal Atomization Systems

Some leading global suppliers of metal atomization equipment are:

Table 6: Metal Atomization System Suppliers

Phoenix ScientificRockwood, USALab to industrial
Herstellung von MetallpulvernManchester, UKLab to industrial
ASK ChemicalsHilden, GermanyLab to industrial
ZenniZMoskau, RusslandIndustriell
ALD VacuumHanau, GermanyIndustriell

These companies offer gas, centrifugal, vacuum atomization systems ranging from lab/pilot scale 5 kg/hr to large scale 2000 kg/hr capacities. Turnkey systems with melting, atomization and powder handling units are provided.

Atomization systems are priced from $100,000 for lab units to over $2 million for industrial plants based on capacity and features. Location, taxes, transportation etc. also affect pricing.

Installation einer Metallzerstäubungsanlage

Key steps in installing a metal atomization system are:

Table 7: Metal Atomizer Installation

Site preparationLevel concrete floor, install utilities
MontageAssemble sub-units like crucible, nozzle section
ConnectionsConnect gas lines, cooling water, ducting
InbetriebnahmeTest run empty, leak checks, trial with low capacity
Safety checksInstall emergency stop, fire suppression, alarms
Personnel trainingTrain staff on system operation and maintenance

The equipment is heavy so the site needs to have a level, vibration-free concrete floor. Utilities like cooling water, inert gas, and exhaust ducting need to be connected.

The system is then assembled, aligned,leak tested and initially run empty before actual hot commissioning. Safety systems for emergency shutdown, fire or melt leakage must be operational.

Thorough training of the operating personnel by the vendor is essential for smooth operations.

Operating and Maintaining a Metal Atomizer

Key aspects of operating a metal atomization system include:

Table 8: Metal Atomizer Operation

Raw material handlingUse proper gloves, containers for metal charge
Crucible cleaningRemove residue, slag by grinding, acid pickling
Crucible liningInspect lining, recoat/replace as needed
ProzessparameterMaintain proper temperature, pressure, flows
Nozzle conditionInspect nozzles for wear, blockages
Handhabung des PulversEnsure proper containers, transfer procedures
GeräteinspektionCheck seals, connectors, safety systems
WartungSchedule preventive maintenance, repairs

Proper protective gear should be used when handling raw metal pieces to avoid contamination. The melting crucible needs regular cleaning and lining refractory maintenance.

Careful monitoring of process parameters like temperature, pressure and gas flow is important. Nozzles, especially for gas atomization, require inspection and replacement periodically.

The fine powder produced needs careful handling to prevent exposure risks. Regular inspections help spot leaks, damages and ensure all safety systems work. Preventive maintenance should be scheduled to avoid breakdowns.

Choosing a Metal Powder Atomizer Supplier

Key factors in selecting a metal atomization system supplier:

Table 9: Choosing a Metal Atomizer Supplier

Technisches FachwissenExperience, expert personnel
Angebot an AusrüstungLab, pilot, industrial scale systems
Track recordRelevant case studies, client list
PersonalisierungFlexibility for specific requirements
Service nach dem VerkaufInstallation support, maintenance contracts
PreisQuotes fitting budget
VerlässlichkeitBuild quality and proven performance
SicherheitMeets all industry safety norms
ZertifizierungISO or other quality certification

Look for an established company with expertise in thermal spray or powder metallurgy industries. They should offer the full range of atomizers from lab prototypes to large scale production.

Request client references and case studies relevant to your specific application. Seek customized solutions for your capacity needs and powder characteristics.

Evaluate after-sales service support like installation supervision, operator training, maintenance contracts etc. Consider pricing but give priority to performance, safety and reliability.


Metal atomization is an efficient process for producing clean, spherical fine metal powders from various alloys for advanced applications in aerospace, automotive, additive manufacturing and other industries.

Gas and centrifugal atomization systems consist of metal melting, droplet formation and powder collection sub-units. Careful design is required to obtain desired particle sizes and powder characteristics.

Leading vendors offer standard and customized atomization systems in small to large industrial capacities with suitable after-sales support. Choosing the right supplier and following good operating practices ensures smooth functioning and maximum powder production.


Q: What is the typical capacity range of metal atomization systems?

A: Metal atomization systems are available in capacities from 10 kg/hr for lab/pilot scale to over 5000 kg/hr for high volume industrial production. Larger capacities up to 10,000 kg/hr are also possible.

Q: What industries commonly use metal atomization?

A: Key industries using metal atomization include aerospace, automotive, additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, electronics, and chemical industries. The fine, spherical powders are used to manufacture critical components.

Q: How fine can the powder particle size be made?

A: In gas atomization, powder sizes down to 10 microns can be achieved by optimal design of nozzles, gas pressure and flow rates. Centrifugal atomization typically makes coarser powders over 20 microns in size.

Q: What metals can be atomized?

A: Most engineering metals with melting point below 1800°C can be atomized. Common examples are nickel, iron, cobalt and titanium alloys. Some reactive metals like aluminum and magnesium can also be atomized under controlled conditions.

Q: What gases are used in gas atomization?

A: Nitrogen and argon are most widely used due to their inertness and availability. In some cases oxygen or air is also used but can contaminate the powder.

Q: How are the operating costs of atomization systems?

A: Operating costs are higher than mechanical milling since continuous supply of high pressure gas is needed. Also electrical energy for induction heating and crucible/nozzle maintenance add to costs.

Q: What safety aspects need attention?

A: High temperature metal melts, inert gases under pressure, fine combustible powders require careful handling and safety systems for fire, explosion prevention. Proper operator training is a must.

Q: What maintenance is required for the equipment?

A: Nozzle inspection and replacement, crucible repair/relining, leak checks, cleaning air filters are typical maintenance tasks. Scheduled preventive maintenance minimizes breakdowns.

Q: Can metal alloys be atomized?

A: Yes, metal alloys can be readily atomized by adding the alloying elements like chromium, aluminum, titanium into the melting crucible in precise proportions to obtain the desired composition.

Q: Can metal atomization be done on a small scale?

A: Yes, lab scale atomizers with 1-5 kg capacity melting crucibles are available from suppliers for small batch powder production like R&D purposes. But operating costs per kg are higher.

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